Expert and fellow directory


Leona Vaughn's picture
Short description: 
Research Fellow, United Kingdom Leona has extensive experience as an equalities and social justice professional in UK and international public and charity sectors and is an early career academic researcher in the fields of ‘risk’, ‘childhood radicalisation’ (UK), 'safeguarding’ (UK and International), ‘child labour’ and ‘modern slavery’ (chocolate and garment sectors of Bangladesh, Myanmar, Dominican Republic & Ghana), and 'racialisation'. She is currently developing exciting, innovative interdisciplinary approaches to avoiding harm in the design and delivery of research and knowledge production in this field, through creating anti-colonial methods and methodological approaches which centre minoritised communities as Derby Research Fellow for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Theme of 'Slavery & Unfree Labour' at University of Liverpool.
Varada Ranjane's picture
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I'm currently student , doing Masters in public policy at Indian institute of Technology, Bombay. I'm also working as a Agriculture officer in Maharashtra. I did Bsc. Agriculture and Masters in Public Services.
Alejandro Coca-Castro's picture
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PhD in Geography with a MSc. in Environmental Monitoring, Modelling and Management at King’s College London. 8+ years experience in teaching and applied research. With current affiliation as Visiting Researcher at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), I have been involved in several projects supported by geotechnologies for decision making in environmental and agricultural settings at multiple scales. Confident in the use of a variety of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing software and a strong understanding of statistics, machine learning, spatial analysis and the automation of complex and large data tasks using cutting-edge technologies (e.g. cloud-computing). Currently, I am supporting the Mapping Agency in Colombia, Instituto Geografico Agustin Codazzi, with the assessment of novel geospatial information technologies for the Multipurpose Cadastre policy.
Sean Nicholson-Crotty's picture
Short description: 
I am a Professor of Public Affairs at Indiana University’s O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. I am interested in understanding the ways in which the design and delivery of public programs influence disparity in the outcomes of those programs and inequality more broadly.
Lennon Mhishi's picture
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Researcher with a background in sociology and anthropology, interested in migration, modern slavery, music and Africa
Lucas Perello's picture
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I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Politics at The New School. I study political parties and democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean, with particular emphasis on Central America. I am a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Skidmore College. In the past, I have taught courses on political science and international relations at New York University, The New School, Marymount Manhattan College, and Yeshiva University. I have published peer-reviewed work on the Journal of Democracy, Politics, The Journal of Politics in Latin America, International Area Studies Review, Public Integrity, Política y Gobierno, Revista de Ciencia Política, and Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública.
Claudia Avellaneda's picture
Short description: 
Claudia N. Avellaneda is an Associate Professor in the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University. She specializes in governance and public management in developing countries, with an emphasis on local and subnational governments in Latin America. Specifically, she investigates the drivers of municipal and provincial performance by focusing on the role of mayors' and governors’ education, experience, networking, and political support on social service delivery, public finances, tax collection, and decision-making.
Rama Pal's picture
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Rama Pal is Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay. Her primary research area is Development Economics with focus on inclusive development. Currently, she is working on multidimensional development, health and education inequality and human capital. Her research work is published in reputed international academic journals including Economic Modelling, Journal of International Development, Oxford Development Studies, European Journal of Development Research, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, and others have published her research papers.
Piotr Lis's picture
Short description: 
I am an economist with interests in economics of armed conflict and security studies, economic policy and foreign aid. I completed my Ph.D. in Economics at Royal Holloway, University of London, and currently I am employed as an Associate Professor of Economics at Coventry University. I am also an Associate Member of the Research Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity at Coventry. My research often incorporates elements of economics and political science, for example, I studied the sensitivity of public opinion to war-related costs and terrorism. My recent projects also analyse the impact of terrorism and conflict on foreign aid allocation, targeting of civilians in war, economic sanctions, social trust in urban studies.
Suzanne Clisby's picture
Short description: 
Suzanne Clisby is Professor of Gender Studies in the Centre for Global Learning, Education and Attainment at Coventry University. She is currently Co-Director of the RCUK GCRF Global Gender and Cultures of Equality (GlobalGRACE) Project (2017-21) ( and was the Director of the Horizon 2020 Marie S. Curie Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe (GRACE) Project (2015-19) ( She is an Expert Advisor for the EU-funded GEMMA programme and the GCRF-funded None in Three Project and an Editor of the Journal of Gender Studies (Routledge, Taylor & Francis). She delivers gender analysis training for the Gender Equality Studies and Training programme at the University of Iceland and has been visiting scholar at the Universities of Granada (Spain), Oviedo (Spain), Rutgers (USA), INTEC (Dominican Republic), Peshawar (Pakistan), Haryana (India) and Dar es Salaam (Tanzania). Her research focuses on gender, anthropology and development in both UK and international contexts. In Gendering Women: identity and mental wellbeing through the lifecourse (2016, Policy Press) she provides a materialist feminist analysis of the symbolic, structural and visceral violence of everyday encounters with constructions of gender. Other recent edited volumes include Theorising Cultures of Equality (2020, Routledge) and Gender, Sexuality and Identities of the Borderlands: Queering the Margins (2020, Routledge).

