Expert and fellow directory


Amber Darr's picture
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Dr. Amber Darr completed a PhD from UCL Laws in 2018 in which she compared the diffusion of competition laws in India and Pakistan. She is presently a Lecturer in Law at Coventry University and a Teaching Fellow at UCL. She is also a Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Centre for Law, Economics and Society. Dr. Darr is also a Barrister of Lincoln’s Inn and an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Prior to proceeding for her PhD, she practised corporate, commercial and constitutional law in Pakistan and also served as the Head of the Legal Department of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Dr. Darr has also published on competition law issues in leading international publications and has contributed op-ed pieces in leading newspapers on a range of legal issues. She is presently working on her manuscript on the diffusion of competition laws across South Asia. She is particularly interested in inclusive economies, access to justice and education.
Claudio Labanca's picture
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Claudio Labanca is lecturer in the Department of Economics. He joined the department in 2017 after completing his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of California, San Diego. His research falls at the intersection of labor economics and public economics and it covers a variety of topics, including wage and productivity differentials across firms, the effects of taxation on the supply of labor and the impact of migration on local labor markets. In his work he pays particular attention to the role played by the interaction between worker and firm behavior in shaping demand and supply of labor, wages and productivity. To estimate these interactions, he applies the latest econometric techniques to detailed matched employer-employee data.
Augustus Panton's picture
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Augustus is an Economist in the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, D.C.
Michael Breen's picture
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Dr. Michael Breen is an Associate Professor at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University. His research is focused on international political economy, particularly the politics of finance, the role of international organisations in the global economy, and the International Monetary Fund. He is also interested in the political economy of corruption and anti-corruption policies and is co-director of DCU's Anti-Corruption Research Centre. He has written many articles on these topics, including articles in International Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Common Market Studies, European Union Politics, and the European Journal of International Relations. His most recent book publication is the co-authored, Resilient Reporting: Media Coverage of Irish Elections Since 1969 (Manchester University Press, 2019). His first book, The Politics of IMF Lending, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2013. He is an External Associate of the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation at the University of Warwick. He is also a member of Transparency International's expert advisory network. In 2018, he was a Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute, Italy. From 2016-18, he completed a two-year term as a member of the Royal Irish Academy's International Affairs Committee. He was Secretary of the Political Studies Association of Ireland (2014-5) and Programme Chairperson of DCU’s MA in International Relations and MA in International Security and Conflict Studies (2012-2017).
Abdelhakim Abidi's picture
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Formateur expert en douane
Vicky Conway's picture
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Academic, interested in policing, the lived experience of being policed, police reform, police accountability, police governance, police corruption. Also abortion law and reform, especially the criminalisation of abortion. I've been an academic for nearly 20 years and worked across the UK and Ireland. Now based in Dublin City University. I have also served on the Policing Authority of Ireland, and the Commission on the Future of Policing. I have written extensively on police accountability in Ireland, including two monographs. I host a podcast called Policed in Ireland (@policedpodcast )
Abdoulaye TOU's picture
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Je suis secrétaire exécutif du Réseau Ivoirien pour la Promotion de la Gouvernance Locale (RIPGL). Nous avons établi une collaboration avec deux communes de la Côte d'Ivoire (Niakara et Katiola) pour développer les thématiques de participation citoyenne à travers le concept de la redevabilité sociale. Les membres de mon association et moi sommes tous experts en budgets participatifs. Nous explorons tous les créneaux qui peuvent nous aider à réussir notre mission.
Anne Marie Champagne's picture
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Anne Marie Champagne is a junior fellow with the Center for Cultural Sociology at Yale, where she is a doctoral candidate in sociology. Her thesis examines how mastectomy informs perceptions of gender identity and wellness in American law, medicine, and society. She is the editor (with Asia Friedman) of Interpreting the Body: Between Meaning and Matter (BUP, June 2023). Her research interests include the politics of aesthetics, culture, body and embodiment, sex and gender, and the civil sphere.
Giti Chandra's picture
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Research Specialist at the Gender Equality Studies and Training programme, GRO Centre, Reykjavik (under the auspices of UNESCO) I have over thirty years of experience teaching at the university level, as well as research and published work on violence, gender, narratives, and social justice.
Sonila Danaj's picture
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Sonila Danaj is a researcher and project coordinator at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research. She has worked as a researcher for fifteen years doing research and coordinating projects in the areas of employment, migration and social policy. At the European Centre, she has been managing and acting as researcher for four projects on posted workers and doing research for several others, where Western Balkans countries have been included as case studies. Some of the recent projects where she has used her expertise on the WB include Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) project, Posting of third country nationals: Mapping the trend in the construction sector (Con3Post), Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers (POW-Bridge), Support for better social services for the most vulnerable groups in Kosovo, and Integrated case management for employment and social welfare users in the Western Balkans. Sonila is also a PHD Candidate at the University of Jyvaskyla, in Finland, where she is finalizing a dissertation on Eastern European labour migrants in the EU labour market. Previously, she has also served as a research consultant for various international organizations and NGOs.

