Expert and fellow directory


Galileu Kim's picture
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Ph.D. in Political Science at Princeton University, specializes in political economy of development, bureaucracy and public service delivery.
Adam Elshaug's picture
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Adam Elshaug, M.P.H., Ph.D., is a researcher and policy advisor specializing in reducing waste and optimizing value in health care. At the University of Melbourne he is Professor in Health Policy with joint appointments in the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health (MSPGH) and Melbourne Medical School, and is Director, Centre for Health Policy (MSPGH). He is also Visiting Fellow with The Brookings Institution in Washington DC. Adam advises international governments and other policy agencies on issues of health care effectiveness and efficiency, for example as a Ministerial appointee to the (Australian) Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review Taskforce and as a Board member Bureau of Health Information (BHI) which reports on the performance of the public health system, including the safety and quality, effectiveness, efficiency and responsiveness. Adam was a 2010-11 Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow based at the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). From mid-2011 to mid-2013, he then served as NHMRC Sidney Sax Fellow in Harvard Medical School’s Department of Health Care Policy. He is recipient of numerous research awards and has collaborated to attract over $125 million in research funding and published approximately 170 technical reports and peer reviewed articles with first-author publications in journals including The Lancet (co-lead of the 2017 Right Care series), NEJM, BMJ, JAMA, MJA, among others.
Blair Welsh's picture
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I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Government, University of Essex, a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Political Science, University College London, and a Teaching Assistant in the School of Government and Public Policy, University of Strathclyde. My research focuses on the micro-dynamics of militant violence. In particular, I study militants’ target selection, tactic selection, and use of terrorism in civil conflict. I am interested, more broadly, in rebel governance and the spatial profile of violence. I also take an interest in quantitative methods (causal inference, maximum likelihood, and spatial econometrics). I have previously worked as an Analyst and Researcher for Action on Armed Violence (AOAV), AKE International, the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED), E-International Relations (E-IR), Global Risk Insights, the School of Government and Public Policy, and the House of Commons (UK Parliament). My doctoral research is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and affiliated with the Urban Violence Research Network. I am also a member of the Conflict and Change Group in the Department of Political Science, University College London. My website: Twitter: @blairwelsh_ LinkedIn: blairwelsh
Galya Ben-Arieh's picture
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I'm a professor in the Political Science Department at Northwestern University and have worked for over 20 years as a lawyer (J.D. 1989) and researcher (Ph.D. 2003) in refugee and forced migration studies. As an action researcher, I work relationally with communities both in the United States and internationally to design solutions and broaden our understandings of the rights and processes of refugee protection and the role of law and policy in settlement and inclusion in host societies.
Palesa Shipalana's picture
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Amir Abdul Reda's picture
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I am an Assistant Professor in computational political science at University Mohamed VI Polytechnique (Rabat, Morocco) and a Young Fellow in the Forced Displacement program of the World Bank.
Kelly Brownell's picture
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I direct the World Food Policy Center at Duke University and am Professor of Public Policy and former Dean of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke. We do international and domestic work with equity and food justice at the center of it all.
Deon Cloete's picture
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Dr Deon Cloete (PhD) is a systemic innovation specialist that researches the roles of cross-scale change agents in co-creating transformative change through complex adaptive systems applications in social-ecological/social-technical systems. He is an experienced facilitator of complexity thinking, systems change, and strategic foresight interventions with a focus on ‘systems change co-curation’ for just transitions. He researches and consults national, regional, continental, and global stakeholders in the health, mining, automotive, and energy sectors, but also a wide range of other development agencies, research groups and organisations, national and local governments. As Lead of SAIIA Futures programme he responsible for conducting complexity-informed research to advance futures literacy and anticipatory governance in the context of disruptive technologies, providing policy and planning decision support for leaders, decision-makers, policymakers, and multilateral institutions. He is also a Research Associate at the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition, School for Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University, and has presented his research internationally. He is also a guest lecturer at various institutions and speaker in a variety of platforms on Complex Adaptive Systems, Systemic Change, Organisational and Systemic Design, Futures Literacy, Strategic Foresight, Anticipatory Governance, Systems Entrepreneurship, and Systemic Innovation. Deon has 20 years of business experience and currently holds a position as Director at Step Above Aerial Technologies and Mapping. He’s also the Founder and Principal Consultant of Transformability, a small consultancy that facilitates systemic change interventions, systems leadership journeys and workshops.
Preksha Golchha's picture
Short description: 
Lead Social Policy Advisor at the Economic Policy Research Institute with 10+ years of research and policy advisory experience from 30 countries in inclusive social policies and integrated social protection systems, and interventions. I specialize in risk and vulnerability assessments and the design and evaluation of evidence-informed social protection policies and programmes.
Martina Linnenluecke's picture
Short description: 
Professor Martina Linnenluecke leads the Center for Corporate Sustainability and Environmental Finance at Macquarie University which brings together an interdisciplinary team of leading experts in the areas of corporate sustainability and environmental finance. The Centre has worldwide reach and impact by demonstrating a financial case for action on environmental and social change, with projects focusing on stranded asset risk, ESG investing, climate policy impacts, as well as adaptation and resilience to global environmental change. Professor Linnenluecke's research interests focus on the strategic and financial implications of corporate adaptation and resilience to climate change impacts. She is the author of the book "The Climate Resilient Organization", and has extensive experience in working with government and industry related to organizational climate adaptation strategies, assessments and planning.

