Expert and fellow directory


Charaf Ahmimed's picture
Short description: 
Mr Ahmimed has extensive work experience in public policy and international development. He was appointed to the Cabinet of the Director-General of UNESCO to manage the Strategic Transformation process of the Organisation. Prior to joining UNESCO (Cabinet, South East Asia, Central America, and Soutern Africa) Mr Ahmimed was Senior Programme Officer with Canada’s International Development Research Centre. He advised various departments of the Government of Canada, including Privy Council Office and Department of Foreign Affairs on matters related to foreign affairs and international development. Mr Ahmimed has also worked at IMPACT (former Partnership Africa Canada), United Nations Development Programme, and Council of Europe. He collaborated with international organisations such as Crisis Group, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and contributed to the work of social sciences institutions such as FLACSO, CLACSO, and CODESRIA. Mr Ahmimed’s recent publications include: Intercultural dialogue: A tool for young people to address exclusion in southern Africa (Journal of Intercultural Communication, vol. 50, 2019); Changing youth realities: perspectives from Southern Africa (UNESCO, 2019); Youth political participation in Costa Rica (Critica y Emancipación, vol. 3, no 2, 2015); Role of media in the promotion of sustainable development and culture of peace (UNESCO, 2015); and Public policies and social inclusion in South-East Asia (Trinity College/Melbourne University/UNESCO, 2014). Mr Ahmimed is a Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Sociology of the University of Cape Town. He is conducting research on the social reintegration of migrants’ returnees. He obtained a Masters in International Relations (Laval University, Canada), and a B.A. in Communication and Politics (University of Montreal, Canada). He has worked and lived in Morocco, Canada, Bulgaria, France, Indonesia, Costa Rica and Zimbabwe and has traveled on official and peer-reviewed monitoring missions to over 61 countries. He speaks fluently French, English, Arabic, and Spanish.
Denis Pitzalis's picture
Short description: 
Denis joined the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2011 as Web Architect and Lead Developer in the department of Public Information. Prior to UNESCO, he worked has researcher at the Louvre research lab - the C2RMF - in Paris, first and the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia later specialising in ICT applied to conservation and access of Cultural Heritage. He has been participating in many national and European projects, at various level. He holds an PhD in Computer Science from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie titled: "3D and semantic web: new tools to document artefacts and to explore cultural heritage collections" and a MSc in scientific imagery.
Alexandra Albert's picture
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Senior Researcher - Centre for Collective Intelligence Design, NESTA
Tee Wee Ang's picture
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Programme Specialist, Bioethics and Ethics of Science, UNESCO
John Crowley's picture
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John Crowley is Chairman & CEO of the PHGD Group. Formerly Chief of Section for Research, Policy and Foresight in the UNESCO Sector for Social and Human Sciences.
Emilie Dejasse's picture
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Emilie Dejasse est Coordinatrice du Laboratoire des Politiques Inclusives au sein de la section Recherche, politique et prospective de la Division des transformations sociales et du dialogue interculturel de l'UNESCO. Depuis qu'elle a rejoint le Secteur des sciences sociales et humaines de l'UNESCO, son travail porte essentiellement sur la politique comparée et la question des politiques inclusives, avec un accent particulier sur l’inclusion des personnes handicapées. Avant de rejoindre l’UNESCO, elle a mené divers travaux de terrain sur les thèmes des droits de l’homme et de l’inclusion sociale des personnes en situation précaires, notamment en Colombie et au Vietnam, en étudiant la question de la réinsertion des victimes de guerre. Depuis 2016, Emilie est également membre du conseil d’administration de l’association Le Filon, un lieu dédié et co-construit avec les femmes à la rue afin de les aider à se reconstruire et retrouver une place dans la société grâce à leurs talents.
Irakli Khodeli's picture
Short description: 
Programme Specialist, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO
Sumit Joshi's picture
Short description: 
Global Director for the Lorinet Foundation. An education entrepreneur working towards enhancing the employability and organisational skills of engineering graduates in India, thereby improving the quality of the Indian workforce

