Expert and fellow directory


Divya Jindal-Snape's picture
Short description: 
Professor Divya Jindal-Snape is Chair of Education, Inclusion and Life Transitions; and Associate Dean (Research) in the School of Education and Social Work. She gained her undergraduate and masters qualifications in India. She taught in an all-through school and lectured in Education for a few years before moving to Japan to do a PhD at the University of Tsukuba. After living in Japan for nearly five and a half years, enjoying research and teaching, she moved to Dundee. Her research interests lie in the field of inclusion, and educational and life transitions. A significant proportion of her work has been with children and young people with additional support needs, especially children and young people with visual impairment, autism, learning difficulties, emotional and behavioural needs, and complex life limiting conditions. Her research has led to creation of educational resources to enhance inclusion and facilitate transitions through drama (inspired by Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed), stories, games and other creative art forms. Divya Jindal-Snape is Director of the Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) Research Centre. Her research has highlighted the positive, dynamic and complex nature of transitions with the need to understand them as (i) an on-going process that involves moving from one context and set of interpersonal relationships to another, (ii) holistic and dynamic (Education and Life Transitions theory, ELT), (iii) complex multiple and multi-dimensional transitions of significant others and their interaction with an individual’s multiple transitions (Multiple and Multi-dimensional Transitions theory, MMT) including changes in identity, (iv) requiring on-going support to ensure the wellbeing of the individual and significant others such as their family, peers and professionals.
Cecile Doyen's picture
Short description: 
Cécile Doyen is a consultant in educational matters, with particular expertise in international education. Her experience ranges is rooted in global development of educational programmes and curriculum, with particular attention to early childhood education and language learning for K-12 education. Throughout her career, Cécile has touched on many aspects of programme development and advocacy, with particular care for building capacity around programme implementation. Expertise in pedagogical innovation, professional development and teacher training are other facets of her career.
Cerge Nji's picture
Short description: 
I am a research-consultant with the UNDP and UNESCO (Cameroon offices) on social development subjects. I am also a postgraduate in Planning and Management of Development Projects from the University of Manchester (United Kingdom). Also, I hold a Professional Certification (Prince2) in Projects Management. I come with extensive experience in all development projects management stages (design, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) in both the United Kingdom and Cameroon. Moreover, my experience in the marketing and communication sectors added to my perfect bilingualism (French-English) will be added values to the organization. Currently a consultant within the Social and Human Sciences sector of the Unesco / Yaoundé Office, I am looking for professional challenges that would enable me to develop my career.
Joanna Hofman's picture
Short description: 
Research Leader with RAND Europe. I lead research in the area of employment and social policy. I manage and contribute to a range of large-scale and complex studies at European and national levels. My research focus is on Employment and Social Inclusion, Gender and Equality, Education Policy. I have experience in evaluation, public administration and consultancy, lead research on employment, inclusion, well-being and mental health.
Aarth Saraph's picture
Short description: 
Consulting with the Finance Unit at UN Environment, as part of the global coordination team of the UN Environment/UNDP/WRI GCF Readiness Programme, working to prepare countries to plan for, manage and disburse climate finance. Responsible for programme activities in Benin, Nepal and Fiji. Previously consulted for REN21, designed and created the REN21 Renewables Interactive Map, in order to facilitate public access to the most up-to-date data and policy information on renewables.
Karlee Johnson's picture
Short description: 
I'm a Research Associate at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)'s Asia Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. My current work focuses on equitable and inclusive development and disaster risk reduction strategies for vulnerable groups, particularly for people with disabilities. I'm also interested in the role that culture plays in shaping disaster risk interpretation and response.
Adriana Valente's picture
Short description: 
Research Director of the National Research Council of Italy. Responsible for the CNR Research Unit “Social Studies of Science, Education, Communication”, involved in several national and international projects in the fields of science and society, engsgement and science education, relationships between research and policy, and sociology of communication. Main Projects Responsibilities include CNR National coordination of the FP7 project REPOPA, of the International Research Project “Implicit values in textbooks - representations of migration” and responsible for the SCE Unit of the FP7 project Scicafe 2.0. Main memberships included membership as National Expert of the “Information Society Forum”, WG2 “Social and democratic values, culture and the future of new services and the media”. Contract professor in several Italian Universities (Rome Sapienza and Lumsa, Naples Partenope, Macerata). Component of the School Commission of the Italian National Academy of Science.
Koona Lucien Blaise's picture
Short description: 
Psychologue- Conseiller d'orientation, Lycée d'Akwa nord, Douala-Cameroun, Coordinateur Adjoint du RAEDD Promoteur du Programme d'action global de l'UNESCO sur l'EDD au Cameroun/Coordinateur du projet EDUFF, Spécialiste en EDD
Fadi Salem's picture
Short description: 
Fadi Salem has over fifteen years of multidisciplinary working experience in the policy research fields, policy think tanks and media organizations, including contributing to numerous projects with the UN, OECD and the World Bank. He is currently a Senior Research Fellow with the Future Government Group at the MBR School of Government (formerly Dubai School of Government) and founder of the Governance and Innovation Program. He also was a Research Associate at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) and a Fellow with the I+I Policy Research Centre, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKY SPP), National University of Singapore. Fadi is currently a PhD in Public Policy candidate at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. His areas of expertise extends to technology policy, digital government and transformation, Internet governance and smart cities development; specifically, policy implications of IoT, open and big data. He is the author of numerous policy publications on social implications of social media, e-participation, digital transformation and digital governance. Previously, Fadi has worked in The Executive Office in Dubai, advising senior government leaders on technology policy and digital economy as well as an Editor in two regional media publications. Fadi is currently a PhD in Public Policy candidate at the University of Oxford, and hold a Master in Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and a B.Eng. in Computer Engineering from Aleppo University. He co-founded several international research projects, development initiatives and NGOs such as Jusoor and Project Encounter, and authored numerous policy publications and reports, including the influential ‘Arab Social Media Report’ series and the ‘Arab World Online’ series. He is frequently invited as an expert and public speaker in international conferences and policy forums. His work and interviews have been featured (among others) in The Economist, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Financial Times, Foreign Policy Magazine, Foreign Affairs, BBC, CNN and numerous other media outlets.
Stuart Gietel-Basten's picture
Short description: 
I am currently visiting Associate Professor in Social Science at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. I am also Associate Professor of Social Policy at the University of Oxford. My research focusses on the relationship between population and policy in East and South-East Asia. In this Inclusive Policy Lab, I am seeking to explore a more person-centred approach to policies relating to family formation and population ageing in SE Asia.

