Expert and fellow directory


Nihal Dsouza's picture
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Apart from his background in international commercial law, Nihal is keenly interested and topics such as how international trade and investment agreements can help promote sustainability.
Marijke Decleir's picture
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I'm a management member of a Higher education institute: Artevelde University College Ghent, bachelor in Social work. I'm working as an International coördinator , responsible for incoming and outgoing student mobility, staff mobility; developing internationalisation@home, involved in joint programme. ambition: "33% mobility and 100% global mind" and internationalisation as embedded as possible into the curriculum and our campus Coördinator of quality management and continous professional development. I'm triggered by a lot of social issues cause I'm involved in the bachelor in social work and by education in especially the international part of it.
Jennifer Boddy's picture
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Dr Jennifer Boddy is a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia and Program Director for the Master of Social Work (Qualifying). She is also on the executive committee for the Australian and New Zealand Social Work, Welfare, Education and Research (ANZSWWER) Association. Jennifer is passionate about creating healthy, sustainable environments for all people and particularly those who are marginalised and disadvantaged. Much of Jennifer’s scholarship is focused around community development, environmental social work, and feminism. Coupled with her practice experience as a counsellor and as a therapeutic caseworker with children in out-of-home care, she has in indepth understanding of the complexities of people’s environments on their health and wellbeing. Jennifer is particularly interested in in understanding and addressing the impacts of climate change and disasters on disadvantaged populations.
Vaqar Ahmed's picture
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Dr. Vaqar Ahmed is the Deputy Executive Director at Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI). Earlier, he has served UNDP as Advisor, and has undertaken assignments with Asian Development Bank, World Bank, and Ministries of Finance, Planning and Commerce in Pakistan. Between 2009 and 2011, he was the Head of Macroeconomics Section in Planning Commission of Pakistan, which is responsible for the formulation of annual, medium and perspective development programmes. He remained the technical associate and member of the task forces, constituted by the Government of Pakistan, including Advisory Panel of Economists (2008), Task Force on Private Sector Development (2009), Working Group on Macroeconomic Framework for Tenth Five Year Plan 2010-15, and Working Group on Social Sector Development for Pakistan Vision 2025. He has published extensively in areas such as macroeconomic modeling, inclusive growth and infrastructure reforms, trade and taxation policies, regional trade agreements, trade in services, energy governance, border-related trade infrastructure, youth employment, women-led social enterprises, and social safety nets. He is the visiting faculty member and researcher in different international institutes, including the University of Le Havre in France, National University of Ireland, IMT Institute of Advanced Studies in Italy and Pakistan Institute of Trade and Development. His PhD students are working on, economy-wide evaluation of regional trade agreements, simulating growth and welfare impact of infrastructure and investment policies. At regional level, he is leading SDPI’s programme on sustainable trade and investment diplomacy. He was Lead Organizer for 5th South Asia Economic Summit in 2012 and 2015 with policy recommendations framed for eight South Asian governments and South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Secretariat. His recent research on regional issues includes: evaluation of Pakistan – Sri Lanka free trade agreement, non-tariff barriers in India-Pakistan trade, informal trade between India and Pakistan, trade in health services, trade and transit cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan, South Asian value chains, and intra-regional foreign direct investment in South Asia. Apart from South Asian countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal), he has worked in, Africa (Kenya, South Africa) on evaluation of improved food technology, United States (International Monetary Fund Fellowship Programme), European Union (Ireland, France, Germany and Italy) on welfare impact of trade reforms, and Far East (Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines) on assignments related to South-South exchange and learning. Currently, he serves as a member on the following boards, committees and working groups: Member, Advisory Board, Creative Cities Initiative, British Council, UK Member, Advisory Penal, Research and Advocacy for the Advancement of Allied Reforms (RAFTAAR), 2015-2016 Fellow, CSO Group, International Monetary Fund [2014 and 2015] Member, Planning Commission’s Vision 2025 working group, Planning Commission, Government of Pakistan (2013) Member, Economy of Tomorrow Programme, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Pakistan Member, Think Tank of Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FPCCI) Pakistan (2015). Member, Research Advisory Board, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (since 2011). Member, Research Supervisory Committee, Health Services Academy Pakistan (since 2012). Member/Secretary, Working Group on Macroeconomic Framework for 10th Five Year Plan for Pakistan 2011-12, Planning Commission of Pakistan. Member/Secretary, Working Group on Macroeconomic Framework for Medium Term Development Framework 2005-10, Planning Commission of Pakistan. Technical Associate, Penal of Economists, constituted by the Prime Minister of Pakistan 2009. Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Islamabad. Technical Associate, Task Force on Private Sector Development, constituted by the Finance Minister 2009. Member / Focal Point (Macroeconomics), National Accounts Committee, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Statistics Division, Government of Pakistan (Since 2003). Technical Associate, Integrated Energy Model for Pakistan, Asian Development Bank Some related links: Publications: SDPI Publications: Op-Ed: Edited book: Making growth inclusive, just and sustainable in South Asia Presentations and book chapters: Dr. Ahmed holds a PhD in Economics from National University of Ireland. He tweets @vaqarahmed and can be contacted at
Ricardo Sánchez Torres's picture
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Project Assistant for PISA at OECD. Communications and International Affairs Specialist with experience translating knowledge into concrete projects within Trade, ICT and Education sectors. I have worked for the United Nations and the Mexican Government. I was Project Manager at the National Institute for Educational Assessment in Mexico City. I am interested in transnational citizenship, quality in education and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Paul Spicker's picture
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Professor Paul Spicker is a writer and commentator on social policy, covering issues of poverty, social protection and service delivery, and a Fellow of CROP. He is the author of 18 books, including Social Policy: Theory and Practice, The Welfare State and Arguments for Welfare. His website, An Introduction to Social Policy ( is widely used internationally.
Miriam Landsman's picture
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I am an associate professor of social work and the Executive Director of the National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice at the University of Iowa in the United States. I conduct research on child welfare services and human services workforce issues. In the School of Social Work I teach courses in child welfare policy and practice (on-line), as well as research and organizational theory. I am happy to be a part of this network.
frederik spinnewijn's picture
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Director FEANTSA -- focus on homelessness
Esuna Dugarova's picture
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Policy Specialist at UNDP
Ann De Wilde's picture
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Faculty of Health, education and social work Ghent Belgium

