Expert and fellow directory


Zachary Morris's picture
Short description: 
I'm an Assistant Professor of Social Welfare at Stony Brook University, where I research disability and health policy and comparative social policy.
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I'm a Social Science researcher on governance and inclusive development specializing in social safeguards policies of Indigenous Peoples under the banner "Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities in Africa". I have undertaken research assignment in Africa (East Africa, South Africa and West Africa).
Suzanne Hargreaves's picture
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I am a Senior Education Officer within Education Scotland with national lead responsibility for Health and wellbeing and Outdoor Learning. I am also an Attainment Adviser within Scottish Government's Scottish Attainment Challenge to reduced the poverty-related attainment gap in Scotland.
Inuti Mwilima-Phiri's picture
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I am the National Coordinator of the Zambia Deaf Sports Federation. Interim Chairperson of the Council of Coaches (still in its formation)
Franziska Schreiber's picture
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Franziska Schreiber coordinates the urban transformation work of Adelphi, a think tank based in Germany. The focus of her work includes international negotiation processes relevant to cities, urban governance and integrated planning. She is the author of various studies, articles, and policy papers, and is developing diverse dialogue formats for political processes. Franziska has advised a number of international and national clients on the Habitat III process and urban development issues, including the Cities Alliance, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Franziska is a sociologist and urban planner by profession.
Taku YAMAGUCHI's picture
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I've been work as practitioner of the field on Sport for Development and Peace in many countries since 1999. Now I work at University as a faculty member to operate master's program on Sport for Development and Peace. On beside I also take many advisory task, mainly focus on PES development in South-East Asia, especially Cambodia.
Anna Bilous's picture
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Teaching Fellow at SOAS, Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Cambridge. My research lies in the domain of economic and political development. I am most interested in issues related to industrial policies and strategic planning. My PhD project looks into industrial policies and market forces involved in the evolution of aircraft manufacturing sector in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
Shruti Dhaundiyal's picture
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PhD Candidate in Environmental Economics at the Uni.Of Cambridge
Reza Rajabi's picture
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Prof. Reza Rajabi is a husband and father of a twin boys age 6. His wife is PE teacher in primary school too. Reza is a Professor at the University of Tehran (Physical education and sport sciences faculty). His career in physical education enabled Reza to work with a wide variety of students in various ages in the field of physical education and some related organizations across Iran. Reza have ben advisor and supervisor to more than 1000 B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D students in the field of postural disfunction in children. Hence, his main interest and especially is teaching and researching in the area of postural abnormalities and musculoskeletal disorders caused by nonstandard school furniture particularly among young students. Musculoskeletal and postural measurements and prescription of corrective exercises for such a postural and musculoskeletal malalignments is his another expertise. Reza during the past 8 years has been focused on play therapy (adapted or corrective games and plays) on young children. Hence, one of his favourite topic and desire's is running workshops for PE teachers and parents in the above mention issue.
Eduardo Jaramillo's picture
Short description: 
I am the Director-General of Health Promotion, in the Ministry of Health of Mexico

