Expert and fellow directory


Anna Rurka's picture
Short description: 
Since 2008, I’m Senior Lecturer at the University Paris Nanterre in Education Science, in the family education and family social work research team (Center of Research Education and Training EA 1589). My research focus and publications involve participation in assessing measures for people receiving social work support, access to rights by vulnerable groups and systemic and institutional analysis of the power dynamics in public policies. My scientific interest concern: - Social work practices based on human rights approach - Civil participation in democratic and social changes - Individual and collective social engagement Since 2005, on behalf of EUROCEF (European Committee for Home-based Priority Action for the Child and the Family, an International Non Governmental Organization founded in 1988), I'm engaged in the work of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe, where I currently serve as President (2015-2018)
Ayselin Yildiz's picture
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UNESCO Chair on International Migration at Yasar University, Izmir, Turkey
Helena Belchior-Rocha's picture
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Social Work PhD in ISCTE-IUL, assistant professor and researcher in the áreas of environmental, sustainability, ethics, education. Teacher in ethics, health, civil society and also transversal skills (Critical thinking, Conflict Management, Team Work, Social Responsibility and Voluntarism and sustainability). Vice diretor of the Soft Skills Lab.
Hugh McLaughlin's picture
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Prof of Social Social Work at Manchester Metropolitan University with an interest in meaningful service user involvement in social work education and research, critical professional practice and safeguarding.
Emilio Jose Gomez Ciriano's picture
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Accredited profesor at the Faculty of Social Work at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha . Cuenca (Spain) . My main áreas of Research are Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Welfare state conditionality. Integration of migrants and refugees and social work and art Author of more tan 50 publications in English French and Spanish. Actually i am Member of the Executivr Board of ESWRA (European Social Work Research Association) and also member of the editorial Board of "Social Work and Education· I have a PhD in Social anthropology, i am bachelor in laws and Gratuate in Social Work. I Coordinate a Research group and have participated in several EU funded projects
Aleydis Devillé's picture
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PhD. Sociology research leader Social Inclusion Thomas More (Belgium)
Joaquin Castillo de Mesa's picture
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Joaquín Castillo de Mesa has been an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Málaga since 2010 and a member of Research Group of Quality of Life and Community and Organizational Intervention. Recently he has given lectures from his Ph.D. dissertation on Community Research and Social Intervention and received an international CUM LAUDE mention. His research interests include adoption and diffusion of innovations, virtual ethnography and detection of communities, especially on social networking services, combining analysis methodology of social networks with Big Data and applying the results to social work and intervention.
Meredith Powers's picture
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Meredith C. F. Powers, PhD, MSW, is an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. She currently teaches Environmental Justice and serves as a Field Liaison for social work students working with immigrant and refugee populations. Throughout her practice career, she has worked in direct service primarily with immigrant and refugee clients; and in community settings with public education for sustainability, and congregation and community partnership development. Her current research includes the professional socialization of social workers, ecological justice, and university-community partnerships for sustainability. She established and administers the growing, international, online networks ‘Green/Environmental Social Work Collaborative Network’ and a Facebook group 'Ecologically Conscious Social Workers' for social workers around the world who are committed to ecological justice. She was recently awarded a Sustainability Faculty Fellowship for her work promoting collaboration of sustainability across campus and in the community.
Iris Goldner Lang's picture
Short description: 
Prof. dr. sc. Iris Goldner Lang, LL.M. (LSE), Ph.D. (Zagreb), is a Jean Monnet professor of European Union law and a UNESCO Chairholder at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law (UNESCO Chair on Free Movement of People, Migration and Inter-Cultural Dialogue). In 2015/2016 she was a Visiting Professor and a Fulbright Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School. She graduated in law (LL.B.) and in English language and literature (B.A.) at the University of Zagreb. As a British Government Chevening Scholar, she earned her LL.M. degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She did part of her doctoral research at the LSE and as an Ernst-Mach Scholar at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz (Austria). She has been the leader of two Jean Monnet Modules “EU Migration Law and Policy” and “EU Internal Market Law” granted by the European Commission. She holds a UNESCO Chair on Free Movement of People, Migration and Inter-Cultural Dialogue at the University of Zagreb. She has held a number of visiting lectures (Harvard, Boston University, Temple University (Philadelphia), LSE, University of Stockholm, University of Vienna, University of Lisbon, Court of Justice of the EU, European Parliament, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia, Alpbach Forum Summer School, etc.). She is the editor of three books and the author of a number of articles, chapters in books and a book entitled From Association to Accession: How Free is the Free Movement of Persons in the EU? She is Editor-in-Chief of the Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy (CYELP).
Barbara Santibanez's picture
Short description: 
Lecturer at Université de Bordeaux, and Researcher at European Institute for Education and Social Policy - EIESP. Expertise in education policy issues, gender equity, citizenship and human rights education.

