Expert and fellow directory


Patrick Blessinger's picture
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Patrick Blessinger is an adjunct professor of education at St. John's University, a math and science teacher with the New York State Education Department, and founder and chief research scientist of the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (in consultative status with the United Nations).
Dilipsing Bayas's picture
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Senior State Mission Manager at Village Social Transformation Foundation, expertise in Knowledge Management and Communication
Douglas Gleddie's picture
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Dr. Doug Gleddie is a husband and father who also happens to be an Associate Professor at the University of Alberta (Elementary Physical Education). In a career filled with change, the only true constants have been physical activity/education, working with kids and, how joy fills the spaces in between. Although it took him a while to fully embrace this epiphanal thought, the journey itself has enabled Doug to work with a wide variety of people and organizations across Canada and around the world. Doug is currently researching narratives of movement and physical education as well as exploring the affective aspects of physical literacy. He takes care of his own wellness by being active with his family; improving his guitar picking and seeking new challenges each day. Visit Doug’s blog at
Maliga Naidoo's picture
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Director of the Academy of Leisure Sciences Africa
Claudious CHIKOZHO's picture
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Dr Claudious Chikozho is the Executive Director of the Africa Institute of South Africa, a Research Unit within the Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa. He has more than 20 years of experience in the applied social science research and development sector. Before joining the HSRC, he was working as a Research Director at the Gauteng City-Region Observatory, at Wits University in Johannesburg. His previous positions include working as the Business and Biodiversity Research Chair at the University of Pretoria; Science Uptake Coordinator at the International Water Management Institute in Accra, Ghana; Senior Researcher at the CSIR in Pretoria, South Africa; Research Fellow and Lecturer in development studies at the University of Zimbabwe. Dr Chikozho holds a Ph.D. in Applied Social Sciences; a Masters’ Degree in Public Administration; and a BSc Honors Degree in Politics and Administration from the University of Zimbabwe. He also holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. Over the years, he has published more than 25 peer-reviewed journal papers and book chapters. His ongoing thematic areas of research interest include: sustainable economic development; integrated water resources management and food security; public sector governance, leadership and service delivery; adaptation to climate change; and science, innovation and technology transfer processes.
Naiara Costa's picture
Short description: 
I am an International Relations Analyst currently leading the International Secretariat of Together 2030, a global civil society initiative promoting and following the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. Before that, I was the Advocacy Director of Beyond 2015, a global civil society campaign. Prior to that, I worked as an Advisor on Gender, Social and Economic Rights at the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom in New York as well as a development advisor at the UK Department for International Development (DFID) in Brazil. I served the UN for more than a decade, working as a National Programme Officer at UNAIDS in Brazil. I have also served the government of Brazil as an advisor at the Presidency of the Republic (National Anti-Drugs Secretariat) and the Ministry of Finance. I worked as UN Public Affairs and Policy Advisor for the World Animal Protection. I have a master on International Relations at the University of Brasilia (Brazil) and a MBA on Projects from Getulio Vargas Foundation.
Leon Sealey-Huggins's picture
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Lecturer working on sustainable development, climate justice, and the Caribbean.
Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk's picture
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Azeem Fazwan Ahmad Farouk is an associate professor and director at the Center for Policy Research and International Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Norman Mphake's picture
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Norman Mphake is the Founding Director of the Physical Education Institute of South Africa (PEISA) an organisation committed to advocating for active engagement, skills development, debate, research, innovation, knowledge sharing and setting the foundation for a healthy, active and physically literate South Africa. currently serving as the QPE National Coordinator - South Africa
Lilli Loveday's picture
Short description: 
Consultant in Social Development team at Oxford Policy Management.

