Expert and fellow directory


Stephen Duckett's picture
Short description: 
Stephen Duckett is Director of the Health Program at Melbourne (Australia-based think tank, Grattan Institute. He has a reputation for creativity, evidence-based innovation, and reform in areas ranging from the introduction of activity-based funding for hospitals, to new systems of accountability for the safety of hospital care. An economist, he is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.
Doris Kakuru's picture
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Associate Professor at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada. I'm interested in the social context of education for children in the global South
Jo-Ansie van Wyk's picture
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Professor Jo-Ansie van Wyk lectures International Politics at the University of South Africa (Unisa), Pretoria, South Africa. She has completed a D Phil (International Relations) on South Africa’s post-apartheid nuclear diplomacy, and has published on, amongst others, nuclear diplomacy, South Africa’s nuclear diplomacy, disarmament, non-proliferation, the IAEA, nuclear medicine and the Pelindaba Treaty. She is Fulbright Alumna (University of Delaware, Newark, United States of America) and a Member of the South African Academy for Science and Art. She has been a guest lecturer at the Universities of Johannesburg and Pretoria, and the South African National Intelligence Academy, the South African National Defence College, the South African National War College, and the South African Diplomatic Academy. She has completed consultancies for the World Bank, UNESCO, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), the South African Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), and Consultancy Africa Intelligence (CAI). From June 2010 until October 2014, she served on the South African Minister of Trade and Industry’s South African Council for Space Affairs (SACSA). She is a recipient of inter alia, the University of South Africa Women Developing Researcher Award (2012), Academic Honorary Colours (University of Pretoria, 2013), the Bradlow Fellowship of the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA, 2014), and Unisa’s Leadership in Research Women Award (2014). She is rated as a C3 researcher by the South African National Research Foundation (NRF), and has received research and travel grants from a number of South African and international institutions.
Catherine Conlon's picture
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Policy analyst and qualitative researcher sexual and reproductive health and abortion
lisa goodson's picture
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Lisa is the Community and Practitioner Research lead within the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) at the University of Birmingham. She co-ordinates social policy research modules at post graduate level as well as teaching and tutoring on undergraduate modules in new migration. Lisa has been at the forefront of research exploring the experiences and consequences of migration in the UK and Europe. Common themes that cut across her research and teaching on migration issues include: integration and cohesion, poverty and social exclusion, gender and health, and approaches to welfare provision for migrants in an age of super-diversity. Lisa specialises in qualitative research methodologies and has extensive experience working with a range of community groups. Her work with excluded communities has led to the development of an accredited community research training programme and she has co-edited the book: Community research for community participation: from theory to method. She has worked on and managed a range of research projects sponsored by a wide range of funders including the European Union, research councils, local and national Governments, charitable trusts and statutory agencies
Martin Rooke's picture
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I am an interdisciplinary sociologist with a core focus on risk within healthcare and criminology. My current research area seeks to explore the interplay between cultural narratives of risk, conspiracy building, and the legitimization of extreme political actions.
Paul Montgomery's picture
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Prof Montgomery is Professor of Social Intervention at Birmingham University having been at Oxford University for 20 years where he was Professor of Psycho-social Intervention. His work is methodologically based in three main areas: Systematic Reviews, Trials (many of them RCTs) and Methods Advances in Complex Interventions. Topically, his work is wide ranging and includes Sleep where he originally did his doctorate, Education Interventions for Children, Empowerment Interventions for Women in LMICs, as well as broader policy advice for policymakers. He is a member of the Cross-Whitehall Trial Advice Panel, Cabinet Office, Government of the United Kingdom and is an Affiliate Professor, Department of Family Studies, University of Malta. Paul is also on the Advisory Panel of two “What Works Centres” -Wellbeing and Children’s Social Care. Currently Prof Montgomery sits on NIHR and ESRC panels and is an Editor for the International Journal of Social Welfare and for the Developmental, Psychosocial and Learning Problems Group (DPLPG) of the Cochrane Collaboration.
Helen Kowalewska's picture
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I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention and the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the University of Oxford. As part of the Oxford Martin Programme on Inequality and Prosperity, my research looks at the relationship between welfare states and women’s employment position across advanced economies using qualitative and quantitative methods. In 2018, I obtained my PhD in comparative social policy at the University of Southampton. My thesis examined the gendered dimensions of labour market ‘activation’ policies across advanced economies. Since then, I have held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Southampton, looking at the relationship between public policies and women’s access to the very top jobs, and have been a research fellow on the project, Female Breadwinner Families in Europe.
Naomi Muggleton's picture
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Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford’s Department of Social Policy and Intervention.
Putu Geniki Lavinia Natih's picture
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Poverty and inequality researcher at the University of Oxford

