
Tomb structure and burial customs among the Turkish Peoples on the Silk Road

The first semi-nomadic Turkish tribes living north of the Chinese border used to inhabit cylindrical tents with dome-like roofs known as öy or üy, which are still in use in several areas along the Silk Road. The tombs of these early tribes bore a similar shape. They were originally made of metal and plaster, a structure which was later replaced by similar-looking stone constructions. Funerary rites and architecture spread from Central Asia along the Silk Roads to the Balkans, and they survived over many centuries until the Ottoman Empire.

Recent discoveries of coin hoards from Central Asia and Pakistan: new numismatic evidence on the pre-Kushan history of the Silk Road

Coins remain a chief source of information on the history of the Indo-Greeks and their successors in Central Asia and India. Large numismatic treasures of extraordinary historic significance were recently found in several sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan, such as Mir Zakah, Ai Khanum, Bajaur, Wesa, Mian Khan Sanghou, Khauzikhelai, Attock, Siranwali and Sarai Saleh.

Quaternary sea levels and archaeological sites in coastal parts of Western India

Geo-archaeological studies provide insight into changing sea levels on the Western Indian coast from the Late Neogene to the Quaternary. Environmental factors like these affected the arrival of early humans in this area in the Middle Pleistocene, as well as their subsequent migration. The analysis of archaeological evidence has revealed that sea levels in the areas of Gujarat and Maharashtra were some metres higher than today during the late Neogene, but have remained relatively stable for the last 2.5 million years.

Portuguese influence on the secular and religious architecture of Goa

The presence of the Portuguese has led to the introduction of Western architectural elements in Goa and other places in India. The result of this encounter of traditions was a highly original style both for religious buildings (churches, convents and Hindu temples) and secular buildings (civil and residential).

Mutual influences between Portugal and China

The trade relations which developed between Portugal and China from the 16th century onwards led to the mutual exchange of knowledge as well as artistic and political influences. New foods and technologies were introduced in both countries. The city of Macau, with its architectural mix of Eastern and Western elements, is one striking example of the encounter between these two cultures.

Merchants in Central Asia in pre-Islamic times

With the rise of the Han Dynasty in China, the Silk trade between China and countries as far away as Iran flourished. However, silk was by no means the only merchandise that was traded between China and the West. The merchants, who were envied, esteemed and despised, led dangerous nomadic lives. Their caravans were often joined by missionaries, and merchants played a crucial role in favouring cultural exchange and the propagation of religions.

Imitation and Inspiration: the ceramic trade from China to Basra and back

The introduction of Chinese porcelain in Mesopotamia had important effects on early Islamic ceramics. Potters in Basra imitated the white colour of Chinese porcelain by inventing an opaque white glaze. They also used Chinese shaping and firing techniques and gained inspiration from Chinese designs. The knowledge of Chinese manufacturing techniques probably reached Basra via Muslim merchants in the Far East. Blue and white ceramics from Basra made their way to China, where they probably inspired potters to experiment with blue ink drawings on a white surface.

Excavations at the Southeast Necropolis in Palmyra since 1990

In the early 1990s, excavations were launched at the Southeast Necropolis in the Syrian city of Palmyra. They revealed two underground tombs, tomb C and F, which have provided insight into funerary architecture and decoration during the 2nd century AD.

China-Sri Lanka: trade and diplomatic relations including the voyages of Cheng-Ho

Sri Lanka was a popular stopover for merchants on their journeys between East and West. From the first centuries AD onwards, the island established constant and peaceful cultural, religious and economic relations with the Chinese Empire, and it was described in various accounts by Chinese travellers. In the fifteenth century, the political relations between Sri Lanka and China deteriorated temporarily due to a clash between the king of the island and the Chinese traveller Cheng Ho.

The Silk Road: A New History

In The Silk Road, Valerie Hansen describes the remarkable archeological finds that revolutionize our understanding of these trade routes. For centuries, key records remained hidden-sometimes deliberately buried by bureaucrats for safe keeping. But the sands of the Taklamakan Desert have revealed fascinating material, sometimes preserved by illiterate locals who recycled official documents to make insoles for shoes or garments for the dead.

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