The Second meeting of the International Network for the UNESCO Silk Road Online Platform

The second meeting of the International Network for the UNESCO Silk Road Online Platform will take place in Valencia, Spain from 8 to 12 June 2016. Focal points and other experts coming from the countries alongside the Silk Roads and beyond will attend the meeting to exchange experiences and good practices in promoting and implementing activities related to the Silk Roads. The participants will also discuss guiding principles and strategic orientations for the Network and define an Action Plan for the 3 years to come.

This event is organized on the occasion of the XIIth edition of Multaqa Festival (Encounters of Three Cultures) to be held from 10 to 12 June 2016 to celebrate intercultural and inter-religious dialogue in Mediterranean region through music and other artistic expressions. This year the Festival will be devoted to the Silk Roads to mark the designation of Valencia as City of Silk for 2016-2020. A day will be particularly dedicated to the youth with traditional silk games and workshops. Besides, various performances of local/national artists related to Silk Roads will take place in the framework of this festival in different neighborhoods of the city of Valencia. Moreover, other cultural manifestations will be specially organized for the International Network’s meeting to honor the presence of its members.

The second meeting is organized by UNESCO in partnership with the Municipality of Valencia, the Regional Council of Valencia (Generalitet Valenciana) and the Centre UNESCO Valencia/Mediterraneo and with the support of the Government of Spain.

Country profile

flag Spain
Capital: Madrid
Region: Europe and North America

This platform has been developed and maintained with the support of:


UNESCO Headquarters

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris, France

Social and Human Sciences Sector

Research, Policy and Foresight Section

Silk Roads Programme

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