The New Silk and Convivencia Routes

University of al-Karaouine in Fes, Morocco©Patricia Hofmeester/Shutterstock


The international association “House of wisdom” will organize the conference on “The New Silk and Convivencia Routes” from 22 to 25 February 2018 in University of Al Qarawiyyinin in Fez, Morocco, with presence of Chinese, French and Moroccan experts and artists. This event will aim to revisit the memory of exchanges between civilizations along the ancient Silk Roads. It will give the opportunity to highlight the links between Maghreb and China as well as to present the UNESCO Silk Roads initiatives for promotion of peace along these routes. The conference will also discuss the Silk Roads significant role for intercultural dialogue between peoples.

This meeting will include activities such as film screening, poetry, photo exhibition, conversations on different subjects such as the Maritime Silk Roads, and sites visits that will trace the relations between the Arab-Muslim World and China. A visit of the Souk Al Henna is planned as a side event of this conference for studying the memory of this place as well as intangible exchanges of cultural elements along the Silk Routes.



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