Expert and fellow directory


Esther Miedema's picture
Short description: 
I am a lecturer in the Governance and Inclusive Development (GID) research programme of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) at the University of Amsterdam. My teaching and research are in the field of education, gender, sexuality and international development. My research examines on a range of topics linked to young people, health and gender-based violence. I am interested a) in the genealogy of, and interactions between, global, national and local narratives about education, young people and health within SRHR-related education, and b) the ways in which young women and men contest and subvert gendered norms and violence, and inequalities more broadly.
Stefan Cibian's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Ștefan Cibian is a member of the Board and the executive director of the Făgăraș Research Institute. Stefan is an Academy Associate with Chatham House – The Royal Institute of International Affairs, he is also teaching courses related to international development at Babeș-Bolyai University and manages Cibian Consulting S.R.L. In what concerns teaching and research, Dr. Cibian is focused on development and statehood in Sub-Saharan Africa, development policy, development assistance, international organizations, migration, and human rights. His core interest in research is focused on international development, community development, Africa-EU relations, development policy, international relations theory, peacebuilding and fragile states, the link between research, policy, and practice, higher education policy and global affairs, including the EU. In terms of geographic focus, he is primarily concerned with Sub-Saharan Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, the European Union, and transatlantic relations. In his consulting and civil society work, Dr. Cibian is focusing on civil society development in CEE, contributing to the development of civil society organizations. Dr. Cibian is the President of FOND, the Romanian NGDO Platform, the Treasurer of CONCORD – the European NGO Confederation for Humanitarian Aid and Development. He is also a board member for the following organizations: ARCADIA – The Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development, Țara Făgărașului Community Foundation (FCTF), UiPath Foundation, and the Foundation for Youth Involvement (FIT). Dr. Cibian received his Ph.D. degree in political science and international relations (2012) as well as his M.A. in public policy (2006) from CEU – the Central European University. He also holds a BA in political science (2004, from Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and in law (2005, 1st of December 2019 University, Alba Iulia, Romania).
Kelley Johnson's picture
Short description: 
I currently hold two honorary professorships at universities in Australia. Over the past twenty years I have researched and advocated with people with disabilities on issues which have been of concern to them and which have aimed at making positive social change. Among these issues have been: deinstitutionalisation (both in Australia and overseas) community inclusion and belonging, rights with a particular focus on the UN CRPD, gender issues, sexuality and relationships and advocacy and activism. I have a particular interest in doing inclusive research which involves people with disabilities as active initiators and developers of research which is of concern to them. I have co-written or edited 7 books. The most recent of these is an edited book which focuses on accounts by disabled advocates and activists and their allies of how they work and their achievements (Soldatic K, & Johnson, K (2019) Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy. London: Routledge).
Ramon Spaaij's picture
Short description: 
Ramón’s research focuses on questions of social cohesion, conflict and social change. He has two established fields of research that address these questions: the sociology of sport and the sociology of terrorism. His work has contributed to contemporary academic and public debates on diversity, social inclusion, community development and violence by bringing sport into view as an analytical lens through which to study and better understand these complex social issues.
Ilan Katz's picture
Short description: 
I am a professor in the Social Policy Research Centre at the University of New South Wales in Sydney Australia. I research a wide range of policy issues mainly focused on child welfare and child protection, but also including aged care, disability and Indigenous policy and migration. Much of my research involves evaluation of human service policies and programs.
Ingrid Schoon's picture
Short description: 
I am a Professor of Human Development and Social Policy at University College London, Institute of Education (UK) and Research Director of the Department of Social Science which houses the British Cohort Studies. I am a Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS) and member of the scientific advisory board for the ‘Growing up in Ireland’ Longitudinal Study; the Swiss Longitudinal Study on ‘Transition from Education to Employment)´(TREE); the German Family Panel PAIRFAM (“Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics”); and 'Growing up in Germany' (AID:A) coordinated by the German Youth Institute (DJI). I am currently President of the Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies. My research focuses on the study of risk and resilience, in particular during the transition from dependent childhood to independent adulthood, asking 1) to what extent and how do social conditions, in particular socio-economic adversity, affect individual thinking, feeling and behaviour; 2) to what extent and in what circumstances can individuals succeed against the odds and steer their own life course?; and 3) what can be done to improve the life chances of the most vulnerable? My research is guided by a socio-ecological developmental approach, mapping human development over time and in context using longitudinal data. Several ongoing projects take a cross national perspective to explore the policy contexts that shape variations in development. One example is a recent study on young people’s experiences in the Great Recession, which involved collaboration with colleagues in the UK, Germany and the US, including John Bynner, Walter Heinz and Glen Elder, resulting in a co-edited book on ' Young People’s Development and the Great Recession: Uncertain Transitions and Precarious Futures' (2017) published by Cambridge University Press. Other publications, in addition to over 100 peer reviewed journal articles, include a monograph on 'Risk and Resilience' (2006), co-edited books on 'Transitions from School to Work: Globalisation, Individualisation, and Patterns of Diversity (2009) with Rainer K. Silbereisen, and ' Gender differences in aspirations and attainment: A longitudinal perspective' (2014) with Jacquelynne Eccles, all published by Cambridge University Press, and a book on 'Pathways to Adulthood: Educational Opportunities, Individual Motivation and Attainment in Times of Social Change' (2017) with Rainer K. Silbereisen.
Jani Erola's picture
Short description: 
Jani Erola is the director of INVEST Research Flagship Center and Professor of Sociology at the University of Turku. His research interests include social class and stratification, family formation, intergenerational social mobility socioeconomic inheritance, sociological research methods, and welfare state institutions and attitudes. His publications on these topics have appeared in major social scientific journals such as Social Science Research, Social Forces, European Sociological Review, Sociology, Acta Sociologica, Journal European Social Policy and Demography. According to Prof. Erola, he originally started looking at intergenerational social mobility as an interesting side project within his PhD, but “questions of inheritance took over and became what really motivated me as a researcher”.
Fransje Molenaar's picture
Short description: 
Senior Research Fellow Politics and Crime & Head of the Sahel research programme of the Clingendael Conflict Research Unit
Jing Gu's picture
Short description: 
Dr Jing Gu is Director of the Centre for Rising Powers and Global Development and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies. Dr. Gu advises government and business in China and Africa and was an invited expert witness on China to the British Parliament’s International Development Committee. She is a political economist with extensive experience in research and advisory work of governance, business and sustainable development. She has led many interdisciplinary research projects involving multi-country teams, including the ground breaking pioneering research on China’s outward investment in Africa. Her teaching, research and advisory work focus on China's international development strategies, BRICS and South South Cooperation. She is a member of the International Editorial Board of Third World Quarterly.
Yisak Tafere's picture
Short description: 
PhD in 'Interdisciplinary Child Research'; Lead researcher in development with particular focus on Child and Youth Research.

