Expert and fellow directory


Pallavi Nuka's picture
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Pallavi Nuka executes policy and strategy at the Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance. Her responsibilities include financial, academic, and operational management. Prior to joining the center, she was the Associate Director of the Innovations for Successful Societies research program, which explores issues of governance and policy implementation in challenging contexts and she was a Visiting Lecturer at the Woodrow Wilson School and a Research Coordinator in the Department of Politics at Princeton. She has a background in impact evaluation and has conducted research on governance, environment, and development. She worked with the World Bank-Global Environment Facility's Evaluation Office for six years, assessing the design, performance, and impact of the Bank’s investments, with a focus on climate change adaptation, conservation of biodiversity, and land degradation. From 1999-2001, she was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bangolo, Cote d'Ivoire. She has a B.S. from MIT and an M.P.A. from Princeton University.
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Olivier PIEUME is a specialist in vocational training and the labor market. He has been working for UNESCO for about eight years. He currently serves as Regional Advisor for Africa. He holds a PhD in applied mathematics from the University of Paris Est and the University of Montreal (cotutelle). He also holds a degree in Statistical Engineering and Economics. Before joining UNESCO, Olivier PIEUME was in turn a lecturer at the University of Yaoundé I in Cameroon and statistician-economist at the Ministry in charge of economics and planning. Dr. Olivier PIEUME has so far supported more than fifteen African countries in the analysis and planning of education and training policies related to employment. He has to his credit about fifteen scientific publications in international journals.
Gilbert Achcar's picture
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Gilbert Achcar is Professor of development studies and international relations at the SOAS, University of London. His many books include: The Clash of Barbarisms: The Making of the New World Disorder (2002, 2006); Perilous Power: The Middle East and U.S. Foreign Policy, co-authored with Noam Chomsky (2007, 2008); The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives (2010); The People Want: A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising (2013); and Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising (2016).
Xavier Hospital's picture
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Xavier Hospital coordinates the UNESCO strategy on education for health and wellbeing in West and Central Africa, with a focus on improving the quality and coverage of comprehensive sexuality education and strengthening responses to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). He is the major contributor to the development of tools to analyses and visually represent complex education programmes: Analysis and Imaging of Education Response to SRGBV, Sexuality Education Review and Assessment Tool and, in collaboration with IPPF, Inside & Out. Currently Regional Health Education Adviser, Xavier has been working for 12 years in West and Central Africa (WCA) for Doctors of the World, Plan International, ACPP and UNESCO, either as Country Coordinator, consultant or Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, with a focus on health and education. He holds a doctorate in Social Psychologist from the University of Montpellier, and studied or lectured at the universities of Lille, Manchester and Lisbon, developing an expertise in conflict negotiation, decision making and research methods in social and behavioural sciences.
Elisabeth King's picture
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Elisabeth King is Professor of International Education and Politics at New York University and Founding Director of NYU’s minor in Peace and Conflict Studies. Her research focuses on inclusive institutions and identities in ethnically diverse and conflict-affected contexts, with special expertise in peacebuilding and education. See
Natalia Mirovitskaya's picture
Short description: 
Natalia Mirovitskaya has been with the Duke Center for International Development (DCID) for over twenty years. Her professional focus is on political economy of development and peacebuilding. Following the completion of her Ph.D. from the Russian Academy of Sciences (Economics), Mirovitskaya has led and participated in numerous projects on the design, implementation and effectiveness of international resource regimes, environmental security, sustainable development and conflict prevention. Mirovitskaya’ s experience has displayed an interdisciplinary approach linking theoretical advances with practical policy advice. Her recent research has been focused on conflict sensitivity of development strategies. She has co- authored Development Strategies and Inter-Group Violence (Palgrave 2016), and co-edited Economic Development Strategies and the Evolution of Violence in Latin America (2012), Development Strategies, Identities, and Conflict in Asia (2013), and The Economic Roots of Conflict and Cooperation in Africa (2013). Mirovitskaya’s most recent project is on Development for the New Arctic: Visions, Strategies, Challenges at the Subnational and Local Level. She is also co-editor of the Palgrave Macmillan series “Politics, Economics and Inclusive Development.” At Duke, Dr. Mirovitskaya teaches classes in Policy Analysis of Development, Research Methods, International Energy Systems, and Conflict-Sensitive Development. She has directed masters’ projects for fellows from over sixty countries, worked in executive education programs for senior government officials and provided consultancies on issues relating to conflict prevention, security and sustainable development.
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I am an urban planner with 35 years experience of teaching, capacity building, research and advisory work on participatory planning, urban land management for inclusive development, slum upgrading and low income housing. My main endeavor is to mainstream inclusive processes and practices in government - local/national and support NGOs with technical assistance. I have worked mainly in India but also in Bangladesh, Philippines, Myanmar, Egypt, Korea and taught in universities in India, the Netherlands, UK, USA and Korea. My clients are local and national governments and international agencies.
Miracle Adenitan's picture
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Miracle Adenitan joined the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law as an intern in September 2018. Per March 2019 he continues as Project Assistant. His work focuses on supporting the Knowledge Platform Secretariat to strengthen its network in making it more sustainable and increasingly focused on learning, specifically that linked to the Knowledge Management Fund. Previously, Miracle worked as the Advocacy Officer of the United Network of Young Peacebuilders in the Hague, where he worked on strategic projects to strengthen sustainable youth-driven peacebuilding initiatives aimed at enhancing the capacity of youth peacebuilding organisations. Prior to that, he supported the coordination of the YPS Working Group for the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict and the Youth-Led Peace crowdfunding program for Search for Common Ground with other Peacebuilding organisations. Miracle holds a degree in Project Management at undergraduate level and a Master’s degree in Economics of Development from Erasmus University-The Hague Campus (ISS). He served as a council member in the Strategic Committee of the Institute Council at the International Institute of Social Studies in the Hague. He is a recipient of different awards including the prestigious Netherlands Fellowship in recognition of his professional and academic work.
Janvier Kini's picture
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Researcher at CNRST; PhD in International Development Studies from the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Netherlands. I hold two doctorate degrees: 1) from the University Ouaga 2 (current Thomas Sankara University,Burkina Faso) in Development Economics and 2) from the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands) in International Development Studies. I have 14 years experience on various development and research fields. I ha
Ama Fenny's picture
Short description: 
Ama Pokuaa Fenny is a Research Fellow with the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economics Research (ISSER) - a member organisation of the Southern Voice network at the University of Ghana. She is also a past Fellow at the Centre for Global Health Security at the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), UK as part of the West Africa Global Health Leaders Fellowship where she focused on health financing strategies to move African countries towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

