Expert and fellow directory


Mizan Bisri's picture
Short description: 
Mizan Bustanul Fuady Bisri (Mizan) is a JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellow at the United Nations University-Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) and the University of Tokyo-Integrated System for Sustainability Science. He received PhD and MA in political science from Kobe University (Japan) as well as MSc and BSc in urban planning from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, Indonesia). Prior to joining UNU-IAS, he served as Disaster Monitoring and Analysis Officer at ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management (AHA Centre). In the past he has worked for ITB, University of the Philippines, Asia Pacific Institute of Research (Japan), and served as consultant for various organizations including government agencies in Indonesia, international NGOs and United Nations agencies. Mizan is also a member of ASEAN Emergency Response and Assessment Team (ERAT) and United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC). He is also affiliated with Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) as young-scientist fellow, International Humanitarian Studies Association, Indonesian Association of Planners, and in the past active at United Nations-Major Group for Children and Youth (UN-MGCY), which represent youth constituent in various UN-related processes.
Mary Wickenden's picture
Short description: 
Researcher on disability in development settings (main Subsaharan Africa and South Asia), with a focus on qualitative, participatory and inclusive approaches. My focus is mainly on the perspectives of adults and children with disabilities and their families. I explore and promote the use of participatory and inclusive research methods to interrogate a range of disability related issues. eg community based inclusive development, sexuality and sexual abuse, identity, inclusive health and education, .
Raphael Babatunde's picture
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Dr. Babatunde Raphael Olanrewaju obtained a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. Dr Babatunde has twenty years of research and teaching experience as a staff of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, University of Ilorin, Nigeria where he is currently an Associate Professor. Before joining the University of Ilorin, he served as Research Assistant at the National Centre for Economic Management and Administration (NCEMA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Dr Babatunde was a Visiting Professor at the Chair of Development Economics, University of Passau, Germany in 2015. Prior to this, he was a Visiting Researcher at the department of Globalization, Trade and Regional Integration, Nordic Africa Institute (NAI), Uppsala, Sweden in 2013. He was also a Visiting Fellow and Scholar at the Research Group on Food Security and Livelihoods, African Studies Centre (ASC), University of Leiden, Netherlands and Visiting Researcher at the department of Public Economics, University of Pavia, Italy in 2012 and 2010 respectively. He is a Fellow of the Centre for International Cooperation and Development (CICOPS), University of Pavia, Italy. Between 2005 and 2009 he was DAAD scholar and Research Associate at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. His research focus has been mainly in the areas of Agricultural and Development Economics and he has authored over 90 journal articles and book chapters in these areas. He has also made several Keynote and Panel presentations at local and international conferences. He has been a consultant to a number of international organizations such as IFPRI, USAID, UNDP and IDRC. He is a Technical Expert and Trainer for the African Union Commission and NEPAD Malabo Declaration Biennial Reporting Process. He also serves as Nigeria Country Expert for the National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) design and appraisal. Dr Babatunde is a member of the Nigerian Young Academy (NYA), African Growth and Development Policy Modeling Consortium (AGRODEP) and several other professional organizations. He has held several leadership positions in the University including the Head of Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management.
Zemzem Shigute Shuka's picture
Short description: 
I am currently a PhD researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her PhD research focuses on analyzing social protection programs in Ethiopia with a particular emphasis on the two flagship interventions - the Productive Safety Net Program and the Community-Based Health Insurance Scheme. Interlinkages between the two interventions and effect on quality of infrastructures are the main areas of the research scrutiny.
Evert Stamhuis's picture
Short description: 
Evert Stamhuis (LLB, LLM, PhD) holds a chair in Law & Innovation at Erasmus University Rotterdam. I am a senior member of the Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity, a multidisciplinary research community aligning business, government and society for fostering long-term inclusiveness. With our research we intend to assist in finding new pathways to achieve long-term sustainability and also in tackling negative effects of economic growth and technological disruption. My personal research focus is the regulation and governance of technological disruption and the interaction between law and technology.
Yogi Hendlin's picture
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Yogi Hale Hendlin is an environmental philosopher and public health scientist, working on the corporate determinants of health. Dr. Hendlin holds degrees from UC Berkeley, UCLA, LSE, and CAU Kiel, and has held postdocs at the University of Vienna and the University of California at San Francisco.
Sayaka SAKODA's picture
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Sayaka Sakoda is an Postdoctoral Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. After obtained Ph.D. (Economics) in 2016, worked at Kyoto University, Doshisha University. She was also a visiting scholar at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales Paris, France on Feb 2019 which currently is an Associate Researcher. She works on topics related to income distribution, family economics and health economics.
Eleanor MacKillop's picture
Short description: 
I am a researcher with a background in political science, organisation studies and local government research. My work at the Wales Centre for Public Policy involves, amongst other issues, researching the role of evidence in policy-making in Wales and elsewhere. My interests span austerity and crisis, organisational change, and policy formulation and change.
Ama Fenny's picture
Short description: 
Ama Pokuaa Fenny is a research fellow with the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economics Research (ISSER) at the University of Ghana. Since 2005, she has researched and published in the area of developmental issues in health economics, health service delivery, social protection and gender-based analysis. Her research at Chatham House focuses on how the poor can be integrated into social health insurance programs in Sub-Saharan African countries. She has also carried out a number of expenditure tracking surveys and health expenditure reviews with country experience across West and East Africa. She has a PhD in Health Economics from the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University, Denmark; MSc in Health, Population & Society from the London School of Economics & Political Science (UK) and BA in Economics and Computer Science from the University of Ghana.
Vicente Paolo Yu's picture
Short description: 
Vicente Paolo B. Yu III served as the Deputy Executive Director of the South Centre (July 2016-June 2018), the intergovernmental policy research institution of developing countries, and currently coordinates the Centre’s work on global governance, climate change, investment, South-South cooperation, and sustainable development issues. His substantive policy work includes overseeing the policy research and analysis and the provision of technical policy and legal advice to developing country governments, including on the right to development, international environmental law, development economics, international climate change policy, and South-South cooperation. He obtained his political science (with honors) and law degrees from the University of the Philippines, and his master of laws degree (with honors, specializing in international trade law and international environmental law) from Georgetown University where he was a Fulbright Scholar. Prior to joining the South Centre, he worked for Friends of the Earth International (FOEI) and was a Staff Attorney and head for Research and Policy Development of the Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center (LRC) in the Philippines. He has taught law at the University of the Philippines. He has also been a consultant for various United Nations agencies, providing research and training/capacity building services on development policy and on climate change issues. He has published papers and articles on issues relating to trade and environment, energy policy, mining policy, sustainable development, environmental policy, climate change policy, South-South cooperation, and indigenous peoples' rights.

