Expert and fellow directory


Leonie Nagarajan's picture
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Co-Founder, The Circular Classroom Social Enterprise based in Singapore that works towards net-zero schools
Tadashi Yagi's picture
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Professor of economics in Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. My major is public policy in the field of cultural economics, and income distribution.
James Chan's picture
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James Chan is an Autistic individual living in Singapore. He currently works at Asia-Europe Foundation at an Advisor on Inclusion and Diversity.
Claudiney Pereira's picture
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Clinical Associate Professor at the W.P. Carey School of Business (Arizona State University) and nonresident research associate of Commitment to Equity Institute at Tulane University. My research has focused on fiscal policy effects on poverty and income distribution in Brazil and the empirics of monetary policy and the role of the financial sector in Brazil.
Aparna Roy's picture
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Roy is a public policy expert, author and columnist. She was the Coordinator of G20 India’s Think 20 (T20) Secretariat’s Task Force on Refuelling Growth: Clean Energy and Green Transitions. Roy is a guest teacher at the Charité University, Berlin where she teaches an advance module on interactions between climate change and social determinants on health. She is a Member of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India's Consortium on 'Economic Analysis of Air Pollution Policy and Regulation Unit.'
Emily Balcetis's picture
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I focus on the conscious and nonconscious ways people fundamentally orient to the world. Using basic science and experimental research approaches, I investigate how individuals' motivations, emotions, needs, and goals impact the basic ways they perceive, interpret, and ultimately react to the information around them. With my team members, we tackle issues including biased support for diverse leadership among adults and children, bias in jurors' visual experiences when viewing evidence, biased perceptions of environments when pursuing better health, and other outcomes.
Benjamin Schraven's picture
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Benjamin Schraven is a Senior Researcher of the German Development Institute, which he joined in 2011. He holds a PhD in development studies from the University of Bonn. In the past years, his research activities have mainly been focusing on the issue of "migration as adaptation", migration and rural development, migration and development and migration governance (with a regional focus on Ghana/West Africa). In 2016, Benjamin has been seconded as scientific advisor for migration issues to the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Between 2009 and 2014 he has also been active as a Guest Lecturer at the University of Ghana. Futhermore, he has done migration related consultancy work a.o. for the World Bank, UNICEF and several several development cooperation agencies.
Jonas Hein's picture
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I am post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Geography at Kiel University in Germany. My current research focus on the political ecology of conservation and development, political geography, and environmental justice in Indonesia, Colombia, Peru and Northern Germany.
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Professor Aasha Kapur Mehta is a Visiting Professor at Institute for Human Development, Delhi. Prior to this, she worked as a Professor of Economics at Indian Institute of Public Administration for a few decades. She studied at Delhi School of Economics and Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi and Iowa State University, USA. She has conducted a large number of research and consultancy assignments for the Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Ministry of Women and Child Development, National Commission for Women, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy etc., as well as for international organisations such as UNDP, UN Women and World. She led the multi-institutional Chronic Poverty Research Centre in India for over a decade. This was part of the global CPRC funded by DFID and headquartered at University of Manchester and ODI. Based on her research she was invited to serve on several Committees constituted by Government. Among the large number of books, monographs and articles that she has authored, edited and co-authored are “Poverty, Chronic Poverty and Poverty Dynamics: Policy Imperatives, Springer 2018; "The Missing Women in India’s Workforce", The Hindu Business Line, 26 January 2019; "Half-baked efforts at Poverty Reduction", The Hindu Business Line, 29 October 2018; “India Chronic Poverty Report: Towards Solutions and New Compacts in a Dynamic Context”, CPRC-IIPA 2011; “Chronic Poverty and Development Policy in India”, Sage 2006; and “Gendering the Twelfth Plan: A Feminist Perspective”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 42 No 17, April 21-27, 2012. In order to draw attention to persistence of poverty and dynamics of poverty CPRC India has published 51 working papers in the CPRC-IIPA working paper series to draw attention to these issues. Later versions of many of these papers have been published in books as well as journals such as World Development, Journal of Human Development and Margin. Her work on Reviewing Flagship Programmes from a Gender Lens: ICDS, was published by UN Women in 2012. She has also critiqued several welfare programmes in the context of their implications for gender and for those in poverty. Her books, articles and working papers are on poverty, poverty dynamics, drivers, maintainers and interrupters of poverty, human and gender development indicators, gender budgeting, deprivation and data gaps.
Roma Mitra Debnath's picture
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I am Dr. Roma Mitra Debnath, an Associate Professor in the area of Applied Statistics at Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi, India. We are the policy think tank to the the GoI in the various areas of its functioning. We conduct the evaluation studies on behalf of GoI and also train the employees on various areas for the capacity development.

