Expert and fellow directory


Zeinab El Maadawi's picture
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Medical Educator, Biomedical Researcher & e Learning Expert
May Thazin Aung's picture
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I am a Research Associate at the Stockholm Environment Institute. My research is focused on natural resource governance laws, policies and institutions. I work closely with relevant government agencies, academics and media organisations in the greater Mekong region, particularly in Myanmar, to provide evidence-based knowledge and facilitate learning and knowledge exchange. I am interested engaging with other policy practitioners and exchanging ideas on policy engagement.
Abel Chemura's picture
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Abel Chemura is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany working on integrated agricultural systems research with crop models and earth observation data at local and regional scales with focus in the tropics. He has over 12 years experience in systems agronomy where he supports evidence-based decision making with satellite remote sensing for agricultural applications and biophysical modelling. His experience is in rapid crop appraisal for climate impact assessment and development of sustainable adaptation methods. He is also working with strategic foresight modelling which uses machine learning algorithms on big data on climate, management and remotely sensed data to establish production potential that is useful in informing technical and policy decisions on the probabilities of successful cropping under current and projected climatic conditions. He is passionate about contributing to agricultural development in Africa through use of integrated modelling to inform technical planning and policy making for climate resilience.
Linda Veiga's picture
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Linda Gonçalves Veiga is Professor of Economics at the University of Minho. Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of South Carolina (USA), she teaches and does research in the areas of Public Economics and Political Economy. She published widely and coordinated several research projects funded by external entities. She has been a member of the Board of the European Public Choice Society. Linda Veiga has been pro-rector of the UMinho, vice-president of EEG/UMinho, and director of the Centre for Research in Economics and Management (NIPE), the Department of Economics, and the Ph.D. and Master programs in Economics. She also has consultancy experience, namely for the United Nations, the OECD, the North Regional Coordination and Development Commission, the Portuguese Court of Auditors and the Directorate General of Local Governments.
Lise Cazzoli's picture
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I am a PhD Candidate from the Oxford Department of International Development, specialised in climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction (DRR) and WASH. At the University of Oxford, I am conducting interdisciplinary research (Geography - Development Studies - Anthropology) on adaptation to sea-level rise in developing countries. In particular, I am researching how local communities and indigenous peoples adapt to environmental change, and how international organisations and government can help to protect their livelihoods. In that context, I'm working with organisations involved in mangrove restoration and coastal defence in Guyana. Currently, I am also working as a consultant for UNEP and OCHA on gender issues in domestic water and sanitation, and have previously worked for the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the UN (humanitarian affairs, international law). In 2018, I have been nominated as a WEF Global Shaper.
Rachel A. Aron's picture
Short description: 
Rachel A. Aron currently works as a Principal Social Development Specialist at the African Development Bank Group. She holds a Master of Arts in International Development (specialization areas: community development and gender) from American University, Washington, DC, United States. She is fluent in French. Rachel is a seasoned Social Development Specialist. She has immense experience in identifying, analyzing, managing, and monitoring and evaluating social considerations in programmatic and policy interventions. She has conducted social due diligence for private sector and public sector projects and programs in all regions of Africa, including in fragile and post-conflict countries. She has regularly presented at regional and international development forums. Her professional expertise over the years has been gained primarily at international organizations and at civil society organizations.
Tatjana HEMA's picture
Short description: 
Graduate in Chemical Technologies at University of Tirana, Albania. Postgraduate in Environment Management and Technologies, EPFL Switzerland. Lector at Tirana University until 1998. Senior management positions at National Environment Agency and Ministry of Environment of Albania 1998-2003; Since 2003 join UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan Secretariat in different positions, Since October 2016 UNEP MAP Deputy Coordinator. Main field of expertise: environmental governance, marine pollution assess and control, ocean governance, integrated monitoring and assessment of marine and coastal environment, marine litter management.
Cecilia Njenga's picture
Short description: 
I am an Economist/Urban and Regional Planner with over 25 years of substantive and progressive experience at international, regional and national levels, providing transformative leadership, technical and advisory services in development of strategies in sustainable development. I am results-oriented and strategic. I am passionate, creative, energetic, entrepreneurial and networker ready to apply my full capabilities to support and address urgent developmental challenges.
Diane Coyle's picture
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Bennett Professor of Public Policy, University of Cambridge.
Tanya Filer's picture
Short description: 
I lead the Digital State Project at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge. The Project seeks to improve the capacities of governments around the world as users, developers, and regulators of digital and emerging technologies. My current research and policy engagement focus on the emergence and governance of GovTech innovation ecosystems, in which small, innovative technology providers serve government as client. My work is international, including (to date) Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East. As one of the first staff member of the Bennett Institute, I also contribute broadly on strategy. I am engaged in postgraduate teaching at Cambridge, and offer advisory services to public institutions and SMEs. I am the author of Thinking about GovTech: A brief guide for policymakers, a Bennett Institute publication that provides an introduction to GovTech on a global scale and 8 recommendations for fostering GovTech innovation ecosystems and steering them towards positive outcomes for citizens and public administrators.

