Expert and fellow directory


Yerima Peter Tarfa's picture
Short description: 
Director, Department of Climate Change, Federal Ministry of Environment, Abuja Nigeria UNFCCC Focal Point for Nigeria
Norbert Mumba's picture
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Deputy Executive Director- Alliance for Financial Inclusion a global network of regulators and policymakers with common purpose of enhancing Financial Inclusion globally.
Jack Jones Zulu's picture
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Social Affairs Officer working on social development issues including poverty, inequality, employment, health, education and urbanisation issues in Afric
Hany Besada's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Hany Besada is the Senior Research Coordinator of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). He is also a Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow with the United Nations University-Institute for Natural Resources in Africa and Research Professor, Institute of African Studies, Carleton University and Senior Fellow with the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa. Until very recently, he was Deputy Executive Director at the Diamond Development Initiative (DDI). Prior to that he was Regional Advisor, African Mineral Development Centre (AMDC) at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Theme Leader: Governance of Natural Resources at the North-South Institute (NSI) and Research Specialist on the United Nations Secretary General’s High-Level Panel Secretariat on the Post 2015 Development Agenda, United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Dr. Besada holds a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the University of Warwick. Dr. Besada has published widely in international news media and academic journals. He is the author of more than 80 peer-reviewed scholarly policy papers, over 70 opinion pieces and editor/author of 13 books.
Wilfran MOUFOUMA-OKIA's picture
Short description: 
I am a climate and weather scientist, currently working as “Head of science” in the Technical Support Unit (TSU) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1. The IPCC is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It was established by the United Nations in 1988 to provide the world with a clear scientific view on the current state of knowledge in climate change and its potential environmental and socio-economic impacts.
Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu's picture
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Activist and researcher on public policy issues, mainly governance and conflict transformation from a human rights perspective.
Dan O'Hare's picture
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UK Educational Psychologist and Teaching Fellow and the University of Bristol. Founder of and Committee Member of the British Psychological Society Division of Educational and Child Psychology. Particular interest in children's wellbeing, children's right and eliminating exclusion.
Jyldyz Duishenova's picture
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Activities in environmental education and education for sustainable development since 1999. National Coordinator on ESD in the Kyrgyz Republic since 2005, Deputy Chairman of the Steering Committee on ESD of the UNECE from 2008 to the present
Anna Pirani's picture
Short description: 
Oceanographer working with the international climate science community in the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to undertake the assessment of climate science knowledge for policy makers. Inclusive practices are an integral part of our work to undertake a comprehensive and high quality assessment.
Ayla Hasanova's picture
Short description: 
Non-formal education expert, lead national projects ranging from combating child marriage, domestic violence, human trafficking to rehabilitation and integration of childern with disabilities into society. Also, for over three years managed children and youth development centers specializing in environmental and art education, and technical creativity under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

