Professor of sociology at Paris VIII University, researcher at CRESPPA-LabToP, Nicolas Duvoux is a specialist in issues of social solidarity, poverty and philanthropy. He is the author of several books including Social inequalities, Paris, PUF, “Que-sais-je?”, 2017; The forgotten ones of the American dream. Philanthropy, State and Urban Poverty in the United States, Paris, PUF, 2015 or The New Age of Solidarity. Poverty, precariousness and public policies, Paris, The Republic of Ideas / Le Seuil, 2012 as well as numerous articles and interventions in the press. He has been Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (2012-2013) and guest lecturer in many countries (Russia, Lithuania, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Belgium, etc.) and academic institutions. In addition to his teaching and research activities, he is a collection director at Presses Universitaires de France and editor-in-chief of Vie des idé Finally, he participates regularly in public policy evaluation activities. After having been a member of the Evaluation Committee of Active Solidarity Income (2009-2011), he became a member of the University College of the National Observatory of Poverty and Social Exclusion (since 2014) and is, for this reason, president of the monitoring and evaluation committee of the Support Fund for Integration Policies with the Ministry of Solidarity (2018-2021).
Professor of sociology at Paris VIII University, researcher at CRESPPA-LabToP, Nicolas Duvoux is a specialist in issues of social solidarity, poverty and philanthropy. He is the author of several books including Social inequalities, Paris, PUF, “Que-sais-je?”, 2017; The forgotten ones of the American dream. Philanthropy, State and Urban Poverty in the United States, Paris, PUF, 2015 or The New Age of Solidarity. Poverty, precariousness and public policies, Paris, The Republic of Ideas / Le Seuil, 2012 as well as numerous articles and interventions in the press. He has been Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (2012-2013) and guest lecturer in many countries (Russia, Lithuania, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Belgium, etc.) and academic institutions. In addition to his teaching and research activities, he is a collection director at Presses Universitaires de France and editor-in-chief of Vie des idé Finally, he participates regularly in public policy evaluation activities. After having been a member of the Evaluation Committee of Active Solidarity Income (2009-2011), he became a member of the University College of the National Observatory of Poverty and Social Exclusion (since 2014) and is, for this reason, president of the monitoring and evaluation committee of the Support Fund for Integration Policies with the Ministry of Solidarity (2018-2021).
Fields of expertise: Reduction of inequalities / equity / poverty eradication, Social policy