
Official Records of Tibet from the Yuan Dynasty China, 1304-1367

A collection of 22 invaluable original documents including imperial edicts issued by the Yuan Emperors, religious edicts issued by the Imperial Preceptors and orders from Tibetan political rulers written in Tibetan language and the rare Phags-pa script. They provide authentic evidence in understanding the political, religious, economic and cultural aspects of ancient Tibet.

Nanjung Ilgi: War Diary of Admiral Yi Sun-sin

© Cultural Heritage Administration

Handwritten journal of Admiral Yi Sun-sin, written during the Japanese invasions of 1592-1598. It consists of seven volumes of notes written almost daily from January 1592 through November 1598, until the days before Yi Sun-si was killed on the cusp of a decisive victory, in the last sea battle of the war. The diary is without equal in world history as a commander's battlefield accounts.

Nāgarakrĕtāgama or Description of the Country (1365 AD)

The Nāgarakrĕtāgama gives testimony to the reign of a king in the fourteenth century in Indonesia in which the modern ideas of social justice, freedom of religion, personal safety and welfare of the people were held in high regard.

Midokanpakuki: the original handwritten diary of Fujiwara no Michinaga

© Yomei Bunko Foundation

Original diary written by Michinaga and an early transcription of it produced in the second half of the 11th century. Michinaga was the most influential person in the Japanese imperial court from the late 10th to the early 11th century. He achieved great wealth and prosperity with his political and economic power. It is the world's oldest autographic diary and a personal record of a historically important person.

Memory of the Suez Canal

© Egyptian Embassy

The memory of the Suez Canal, which is recorded in documents, rare books, photographs, paintings,etc, is dispersed between different institutions in different countries, such as Suez Canal Authority in Egypt, Compagnie de Suez, Bibliothèque Nationale and Archives Nationales in Paris.

Materials Related to the Keicho-era Mission to Europe Japan and Spain

© Sendai City Museum

A collection of materials that were brought to Japan by the Keicho-era mission to Europe. A mission sent from the country on the eastern edge of Asia to the Western world during the Age of Discovery, when international exchanges on a global scale were going on.

Lucca's Historical Diocesan Archives (ASDLU): Early Middle Ages

© Archivio Storico Diocesano di Lucca

Lucca's Historical Diocesan Archives boast an inestimable heritage made of five parchment codices that preserve 13.000 parchments dating back to the 685 A.D: among these parchments 1800 documents are earlier than 1000 A.D. and almost all the documents are original, while more than 150 are original Longobard papers.

laghukālacakratantrarājatikā (Vimalaprabhā)

© Asiatic Society, Kolkata

These manuscripts are significant in terms of their historical, intellectual and aesthetic value. Tantra apart, the text contains detailed discussions of astrology and astronomy. There is also the lesser known and rare wisdom of svarodaya. Ayurveda occupies an important thematic focus in the Tantra. Many of Indian philosophical concepts are discussed in depth in this treatise.

La Galigo

© Museum La Galigo

La Galigo is a poetic text set in a strict metre and using a particular Bugis vocabulary. Its language is considered beautiful and difficult. The work is also known by the name Sureq Galigo. Dating from approximately the 14th century and with its origin in oral traditions, its contents are pre-Islamic and of an epic-mythological nature of high literary quality.

José Maceda Collection

Prof. Dr. Jose Maceda (January 31, 1917 – May 5, 2004) composer, internationally renowned scholar in ethnomusicology, recorded end collected (personally, and cooperatively with his staff, as well as contributions from other scholars in the international community) traditional musics in the Philippines and in some parts of South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China, ….) during the period between 1953 and 2003.

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