Correspondence of the late Sultan of Kedah (1882-1943)

The records are unique in that they constitute the only available evidence of the Malay Sultanate prior to the advent of western-style colonialism. The records have a universal appeal in that they portray the precarious life of a State in transition, straddling between two powers in a world that is fast changing. Originating as they do from the Palace, the highest seat of administration in the state of Kedah in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the records reflect the unified authority wielded by the Palace in all matters relating to Kedah state administration. The Palace may thus be said to have total influence on all aspects of the life of the people. The influence of the Palace, however is waning, as it is no longer able to control the destiny of the State on account of the need to submit itself to foreign powers far superior in might. The records are therefore useful to research from a number of perspectives, including social change, economics, politics, foreign relations, education, religion and customs. Read more on the UNESCO Memory of the World website.

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flag Malaysia
Capital: Kuala Lumpur
Region: Asia and the Pacific

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