Lore Lindu

Lore Lindu Biosphere Reserve and National Park comprises one of the largest remaining mountainous rain forests of Sulawesi.

It is of high importance from a biodiversity, cultural as well as archaeological point of view. Approximately 90% of the area is montane forest above 1,000 meters altitude, representing most of Sulawesis’ unique mountain flora and fauna.

There are four main ethnic groups inhabiting villages inand surrounding the Lore Lindu National Park: Kaili, Behoa, Bada and Pekurehua. About 117 villages are situated in the park, and other 64 villages in the border area. Rice and maize farming, and cacao plantation are among the main livelihood activities of the local people.

The park has been facing several threats in recent times, particularly from massive illegal logging, hunting and poaching. To prevent the park from further damages due to the human induced activities, better management is imposed in such away that community involvement and empowerment along with poverty alleviation are intensively promoted inthe frame of the park management plan comand implementation.

In that regards, based on the park’s vision and mission, community development, management coordination and collaboration are the main factors of the park managementas a whole. Read more about this reserve on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves website.

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