Lake Oromeeh

This biosphere reserve is located at Lake Oromeeh in the north of Iran and belongs to the Caucasus-Iranian Highlands. Salt flats can be found around the lakeshore, whereas Pistachio forests and Artemisia steppe communities are characteristical on islands. Other habitats are wetlands, river estuaries and sandy soils and coasts. The lake has been designated as a National Park and as a Ramsar Site.

About 211,000 people live in the transition area of the biosphere reserve (2000). Here, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, handicrafts, apiculture, mining, business and industry play a major role. In the buffer zone, recreational activities, (eco)tourism, artemia harvesting, salt extraction and hunting are going on. Read more about this reserve on the UNESCO Biosphere Reserves website.

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The Silk Roads on the Map

Country profile

flag Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Capital: Tehran
Region: Asia and the Pacific

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