
A conservation management plan for the archaeological sites in the Lumbini zone

The archaeological sites that are centered around Lumbini, Nepal, are unique because of their connections with the birth and life of the Lord Gautama Buddha. Up until the 1990s there had only been minor disturbances to some of the famous sites. However, with growing interest in Buddhism, the creation of a major pilgrimage centre at Lumbini and the uncontrolled development taking place in Nepal, the condition and the environment of these sites could change adversely in a very short space of time.

Ayudhya: Capital-port of Siam and its “Chinese-connection” in the 14th and 15th centuries

Founded in 1351, the city of Ayudhya was an important economic and political center of Siam for more than 400 years. Despite being situated about 90 kilometers from the coast and away from the main international sea-routes that pass Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, by the second half of the fifteenth century Ayudhya had become a major political center in the Menam Basin, as well as an important trading post.

Oman: an entrepôt on the maritime trade routes

The Omani people’s initial interest in the sea in the third century BC was probably a result of the following: Oman’s location at the cross-roads between South East Asia, the Middle East and Africa; its long shorelines; and its safe natural harbours in Muscat, Sohar and Qalhat, which become successful trading posts for maritime trade from and to East and West.

Medieval Muslim travelers to China

Remote and mysterious 7th–8th century China provided a natural source of stories that could neither be verified nor disputed. As a consequence, knowledge of China of early Arab/Islamic traders on the Silk Route was based on rather basic, mythical, information. These stories were easily categorized into the three literary genres of the time, The Rihla (travelogues); The ‘Aja’ib (miracles); and Al-Faraj ba'da a-Shidda wa-l-diq, which drew both a cultured readership and an avid oral audience.

Contemporary Ethnic Identity Of Muslim Descendants Along the Chinese Maritime Silk Route

The resurgence of ethno religious groups claiming their descendancy from the earliest Muslim communities who settled in Quanzhou has led to the Ding lineage being incorporated into the Hui people in 1979. The Hui people form the largest of 10 Muslim nationalities in China and are the 20th century descendants of Arab and Persian ancestors. This is borne out by the abundance of preserved family genealogies, gravestones, stele inscriptions and dynastic records, which are now recognized as part of local Chinese culture.

China’s overseas communications with Southeast Asia as reflected In Chinese epigraphic materials: 1264-1800

The Chinese began to forge links with and travel to many countries in Southeast Asia from early times. This can be seen from archaeological finds across the region and is recorded in the literature of the time. Inscriptions in the form of epigraphic materials also provide insights into the travels of the Chinese during the period, including likely origins and departure and arrival sites.

China of marvels: reality of a legend

Perceptions of China have varied from one era to another, and include the “China of Marvels”, the “China of Enlightenment” or the “China of Exotics”. The “China of Marvels” caught the public’s imagination in medieval times with China being seen as highly advanced in many areas, compared to Western countries. But by the 13th century and the Yuan dynasty, this positive perception changed rapidly when China adopted anti-foreign policies.

Twentieth Century Trengganu: The Royal Birth-Marks of the Melakan Empire

The economic importance of Melaka in the cross-cultural trade routes of the world and its political supremacy in Southeast Asia has been well documented. Even after its conquest by the Portuguese in 1511, the influence of the exiled Malay Sultanate continued, albeit from a different location – Jahor Lama, where it would seem the influence of the sultanate later floundered. However, in the 1980s, an ancient manuscript  that dates from 1891 was discovered, the Trengganu Tuhfat al-Nafis (The Precious Gift).

The South China Trade with Spanish Philippine Colony up to 1762

By the mid-16th century, Manila had become a thriving Spanish colonial metropolis, trading in Chinese-produced silk and other goods. Initially sampans were the main means of transport from China, taking about 10-15 days to arrive in Manila. In exchange for Mexican silver and gold dust, the Chinese traded in raw and finished silk and luxury goods, as well as more basic provisions and cooking utensils etc.

Study on junk-trade ceramics during 13th 16th Century AD salvaged from the Gulf of Thailand

Serving as the gateway between East and West, the Gulf of Thailand was a busy trade route for commercial vessels. Since the area was rich in resources, spices and exotic goods, traders also often stopped to purchase and sell merchandise, as well as stock up on food and water supplies. While the gulf was safer than many seas, inevitably some ships sank with their cargoes.

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