The role of Tuban in history

The city of Tuban on the Javanese coast has a long history of seafaring and maritime trade. It was an entrepot and exported various goods such as salt, cotton, and tortoise shell. Tuban is mentioned in historic sources under the name of Kampang Putih from the 11th century onwards. It prospered during the Majapahit Empire until the 15th century, when it lost some of its importance due to the rise of the nearby harbour of Gresik. Following the arrival of Islam in the 16th century, Tuban flourished as a centre of trade and culture in which Hindus and Muslims coexisted peacefully.

Related Information

  • Author(s):
    Sri Soejatmi Satari
    11th century AD to 16th century AD
    Language of article:

    International Seminar for UNESCO Integral Study of the Silk Roads: Roads of Dialogue “Harbour cities along the Silk Roads”. 9-14 January 1991. Surabaya, Indonesia.


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