What's New? UNESCO Silk Roads Project Intern Event

UNESCO Silk Roads Project Intern Event © Mehrdad Shabahang


On 11 April 2018, eager interns, together with the UNESCO Silk Roads Project team and supportive staff, gathered on a sunny day to help raise awareness of our mission to advance dialogue, diversity, and development while sharing our common cultural heritage of the Silk Roads. The event provided the perfect opportunity to foster mutual understanding, promote peace, and celebrate our pluralistic identities. It was also a great time to make new friends.   

Please join our community and get involved.   We look forward to connecting with you!  #UNESCOSilkRoads

For more information, please consult the following:

UNESCO Silk Roads Project  

UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest 2018

What’s New?

Download our Weekly Flyer  


This platform has been developed and maintained with the support of:


UNESCO Headquarters

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris, France

Social and Human Sciences Sector

Research, Policy and Foresight Section

Silk Roads Programme


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