UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest. Download our weekly flyer!

Majid Al Amri © Waiting

Please be sure to download our weekly flyer from the UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest NEWS page!

Participate in the Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest

Are you living or travelling along the Silk Roads? Does its history fascinate you? Would you like to join us in promoting dialogue, diversity, and development?

If so, get creative, get involved and join this photo contest! This is an international contest open to everyone around the world under the age of 26.

Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest officially opens on 11 April 2018 and has been organized as a visual studies, educational initiative promoting our common heritage of the Silk Roads. Participants aged 14-25 living or travelling along the Silk Roads, are invited to share their photographs expressing their creativity and individuality to highlight the significant cultural interactions inherited from the Silk Roads.

These photographs must showcase the Silk Roads common heritage through four themes: culture, monuments, landscape, and people.

Contributions will be examined by an international jury composed of renowned experts.

Deadline for contributions: 15 July 11:59:59 pm (GMT+1)

The power of visual instruction in raising awareness for younger generations is paramount in our rapidly evolving globalized community. This stimulates dialogue, fosters mutual understanding, and promotes peace among diverse populations.

The contest officially closes on 15 July 2018. There will be two distinct categories for winners: 14-17 years old, and 18-25 years old. Three winners will be selected from each of these categories on 30 August 2018. First place winners will receive a professional camera. Second place winners will receive a semi-professional camera, and the prize for third place will be a standard-model digital camera. In addition, winners will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to an awards ceremony. A travelling exhibition of fifty photos which best represent the spirit of the contest will be exhibited in various countries. These photographs will also appear in a professionally bound collection of printed images.

UNESCO encourages everyone to participate in our Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest. #UNESCOSilkRoads

We invite you to go to our official website for more information: https://unescosilkroadphotocontest.org

Contact: SilkRoadsPhotoContest@unesco.org

The contest is organized in the context of the UNESCO Silk Roads Project, the UNESCO Youth Programme, and the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013-2022). 

This platform has been developed and maintained with the support of:


UNESCO Headquarters

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris, France

Social and Human Sciences Sector

Research, Policy and Foresight Section

Silk Roads Programme


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