International Youth Forum: Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Road

© UNESCO/Nora Houguenade

The International Youth Forum: Creativity and Heritage along the Silk Road is calling for applications from young women and men, aged 18-30, from over 60 qualifying Silk Roads countries to gather and collaborate as advocates and protectors of their tangible and intangible cultural heritage.  Recognizing the increasing importance of “Protecting Our Heritage and Fostering our Creativity” in the era of globalization, UNESCO and the Chinese National Commission for UNESCO are looking to the up-and-coming generations to bring forth fresh and innovative ideas that will provide meaningful solutions for the future.

This exciting six-day forum will take place from 17 to 22 April 2017 in Changsha and Quanzhou, China.  One or two representatives will be selected from each country and provided with airfare, transportation, accommodation, and meals through the duration of the forum.  A combination of plenary lectures, workshops and field experiences aim to give future leaders and decision-makers new opportunities to learn and work together for a peaceful and sustainable future.  Upon communication with IYF organizers, non-selected participants who are able to purchase their own airfare to and from the forum will also be provided with local travel, accommodation, and meals in China.

To apply, send the completed application form to no later than 7 March 2017.

Country profile

flag China
Capital: Beijing
Region: Asia and the Pacific

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7 Place de Fontenoy

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Silk Roads Programme

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