International Seminar on “The Great Moments of Dialogue in Human History: Assessment, Lessons and Prospects”

© / Leonid Andronov / Sher-Dor Madrasah Samarkand - Registan Sq.: World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 2001

The International Seminar on “The Great Moments of Dialogue in Human History: Assessment, Lessons and Prospects” will be held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on 29 and 30 August 2017.

Around 30 academics and experts from some 20 countries will join to cross-read UNESCO’s General and Regional Histories and Routes of Dialogue and other initiatives. They will discuss the lessons to be drawn from history to address the challenges of intercultural dialogue in today’s world.

The seminar will also explore the potential of “Digital Routes” to develop methods and tools that could be used to disseminate important knowledge on intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace.

This seminar contributes to the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013-2022), for which UNESCO has been designated as the lead Agency. It will continue the debate initiated at the World Humanities Conference (Liège, Belgium, 6-12 August 2017) on a Global Multicultural Humanity.

Country profile

flag Uzbekistan
Capital: Tashkent
Region: Asia and the Pacific

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