The First Meeting of the UNESCO Silk Road Online Platform's International Network

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The first meeting of the Silk Road Online Platform International Network put in place by UNESCO in 2014 will take place in Xian, China from 22 to 25 May 2015. Silk Roads experts and professionals coming from twenty four countries designated by their government as Focal Point will attend the meeting. The participants will discuss and exchange about good practices and ongoing activities related on the Silk Roads in their respective countries. Moreover, They will define the tasks, modalities of functioning and action plan of the Network of the Focal Points.

This meeting is organized by UNESCO in partnership with  the Chinese Tang West Market Cultural Industries Investment Group which is one of the major partners of the UNESCO Silk Road Online Platform.

Country profile

flag China
Capital: Beijing
Region: Asia and the Pacific

This platform has been developed and maintained with the support of:


UNESCO Headquarters

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris, France

Social and Human Sciences Sector

Research, Policy and Foresight Section

Silk Roads Programme

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