Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia: History, Technology and Art Symposium

© Brochier Soieries

The “Dialogue with Silk between Europe and Asia: History, Technology and Art” Symposium and the second annual meeting of International Association for the Study of Silk Roads Textiles (IASSRT) will be held from Nov. 29th to Dec. 1st, 2017 in Lyon, France, co-organized by China National Silk Museum and Musées Gadagne. Taking Lyon as the city holding the symposium is because it was the center of European silk design and production during 17th-19th centuries. The symposium will hold in-depth discussions on the important silk traditions of Europe, Asia and other areas, the functions, technologies and artistic features of their silk products, and the important role silk has played in promoting the cultural dialogue on the Silk Roads.

Nearly 50 specialists and scholars from China, France, Britain, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Thailand and other countries studying in silk history, technology and culture are invited to give speeches about the unique contribution of silk in promoting the exchanges in culture and civilization on the Silk Roads. After the symposium, the organizers will also lead attendees to visit the local silk industry in Lyon, its collections of historical silks and collections of traditional Chinese silks.

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