International Conference on the “Importance of the Great Silk Road: Present and Future Development”

The international conference on “Importance of the Great Silk Road: Present and Future Development”, was organized by the Government of Turkmenistan, in partnership with UNESCO, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan on 6 and 7 December 2018.

Divided into three sessions, the conference brought together high-level representatives, and international experts from approximately 48 countries. During its different sessions the conference studied diverse subjects including the importance of the Great Silk Roads for sustainable development; the potential of the Silk Roads’ shared heritage for promoting the intercultural dialogue and international cooperation; as well as sharing experience on the contribution of the Silk Roads heritage to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

The Conference addressed the following themes: history and revival of the “The Great Silk Roads”; formation of plural identities along the Silk Roads Innovative technologies and approaches to enhance the development of trade and interconnectivity along the Silk Roads; and Policies and Good practices by countries along the Silk Roads for achieving the UN 2030 Agenda.

Besides, an Expert Meeting on the theme “Traditional Sports and Games” took place prior to the International Conference on 4 and 5 December 2018 in the framework of the UNESCO Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads. The main goal of this meeting was to study mutual cultural influences as well as major elements that resulted from exchanges in the field of Traditional Sports and Games along the Silk Roads. Fifteen international experts participated in this expert meeting and contributed to the reflections on this matter. Traditional Sports and Games is one of the themes of the Interactive Atlas, which aims to showcase the concrete elements of the shared heritage resulting from the cultural interactions along the Silk Roads.

Moreover, the fifth Meeting of the Coordinating Committee on the World Heritage Serial Nomination of the Silk Roads was organized on 4 and 5 December 2018 in Ashgabat, where the participants including national focal points and experts from thirteen UNESCO Member States, released a list of decisions for further activities to preserve and manage the heritage sites along the Silk Roads. The Ashgabat Decisions encompassed, amongst others, a further strengthening of collaborations between the Member States on diverse projects related to World Heritage Nomination of the Silk Roads.

A photo exhibition showcasing the best photos submitted to theYouth Eyes on the Silk Roads photo contest was also organised in the conference venue in Ashgabat.

Situated at the heart of the Silk Roads, Turkmenistan has been at the crossroads of dynamic encounters, intercultural exchanges between diverse civilizations, as well as an important corridor for commercial exchanges. In line with its historic rule, Government of Turkmenistan organized this conference with the support of UNESCO, in view of revisiting the historical legacy of the Great Silk Roads for fruitful dialogue and collaboration towards sustainable development in the regions along the Silk Roads.


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