Expert Meeting on "Textile, Clothing and Accessories along the Silk Roads", Valencia, Spain

The Experts’ Meeting on ‘Textile, Clothing and Accessories along the Silk Roads’ took place in Valencia, Spain, from the 14 to 16 March 2019 in the framework of the UNESCO Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads.

This Experts' Meeting has been organized by UNESCO in collaboration with the Secretariat of Tourism of the Valencia Regional Government (Generalitat Valencia), and with the coordination of Mr. José Maria Chiquillo Barber, Focal Point of Spain and President of the International Network of the UNESCO Silk Roads Online Platform.

The meeting brought together 25 experts from across the world to discuss the cultural exchanges and mutual influences within textile, clothing and accessories along the Silk Roads. Topics for discussion included: traditions and techniques of textile production, mutual influences in the design and fabrication of clothing, the use of silk in ceremonies, rituals and fashion, as well as the cultural exchanges represented by the creation of accessories. These discussions will help to identify the main elements, methodologies and technologies for best showcasing the Silk Roads common heritage relating to the theme of textile, clothing and accessories within the Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions.


In today’s context of globalization, often characterized by mistrust, intolerance and tension, a better knowledge of the rich history and common heritage which flourished along the Silk Roads could be essential to reinforcing intercultural dialogue, peace and cooperation. The Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Roads will provide concrete illustrations of this knowledge, making accessible key information for the better understanding of the mutual influences between peoples and cultures.


This platform has been developed and maintained with the support of:


UNESCO Headquarters

7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris, France

Social and Human Sciences Sector

Research, Policy and Foresight Section

Silk Roads Programme

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