Deadline Extended – UNESCO calls for Proposals for the 2023 Silk Roads Youth Research Grant

©Mahmoud A. Elraziek Ghoniem / UNESCO Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads

– Research proposals are currently under review by the International Scientific Panel and successful grantees will be announced in the coming weeks –


UNESCO calls for Proposals for the 2023 Silk Roads Youth Research Grant

UNESCO calls on young women and men under the age of 35 to apply for the 2023 Silk Roads Youth Research Grant. The grant aims to mobilize young researchers for further study of the Silk Roads shared heritage. Twelve grants of USD10,000 will be awarded per research project. 

The deadline to apply for the Silk Roads Youth Research Grant has been extended to 14 June 2023.

The research needs to address specific issues relating to: 

  • the shared heritage and plural identities developed along the Silk Roads, 
  • its internal diversity, 
  • its potential in contemporary societies for creativity, intercultural dialogue, social cohesion, regional and international cooperation, and 
  • ultimately sustainable peace and development. 

Now in its 3rd year, the UNESCO Silk Roads Youth Research Grant was first launched in 2021 and is organized within the UNESCO Silk Roads Programme with the support of the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO, in the context of UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Programme. 

Who is eligible to apply for the grant? 

Postgraduate researchers, aged 35 and younger at the time of application, are eligible to apply for the grant. The proposed research may be carried out by an individual researcher or may be part of the research of a group or collaborative project.

What fields of research on the Silk Roads are eligible? 

A broad array of research fields, including multidisciplinary and multidimensional proposals not limited to one specific region or chronology, are eligible. Proposed research may cover one or several themes associated with the Silk Roads shared heritage including, but not limited to: 

  • Science, Technology and Traditional Knowhow  
  • Religion and Spirituality 
  • Language and Literature 
  • Arts and Music 
  • Traditional Sports and Games 
  • Economy and Trade 
  • The Legacy of the Silk Roads and Contemporary Issues 

How to submit your research proposal? 

Applicants are required to submit their research proposals by downloading and completing the template provided detailing their research project, its methods, expected outcomes and contribution to existing scholarship. 

Proposals should be submitted in English and sent to: 

When is the deadline? 

The deadline for submitting proposals has been extended to 14 June 2023

The submitted research proposals will be evaluated by a scientific panel comprised of renowned international academics. 

The list of grant awardees will be announced in mid-November 2023

Applicant Guidelines 

A comprehensive guide to the grant, including details on applicant eligibility criteria, suitable research topics, and evaluation process, is available here: 

See also: 


Important disclosure 

UNESCO reserves the right to modify the grant rules and regulations as and when necessary, without prior notice. 

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