User directory


Annabel Dulhunty's picture
Short description: 
Dr Annabel Dulhunty is a Lecturer of development studies and social policy at the Crawford School of Public Policy. She is interested in comparative overseas development assistance policies and programs, especially on their impact on inequality and alignment with a feminist foreign policy agenda.
Sarah van Ingen Lauer's picture
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I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education and Teacher Education at the University of South Florida, USA. My research centers on how to prepare teachers to meet the diverse learning needs of students in mathematics classrooms. I am an expert in how to prepare/equip teachers to meet the needs of all children related to mathematics learning. I study how teachers can use meta-processes such as professional consultation and use of research literature to inform their teaching to create more inclusive classrooms for students with diverse learning needs.
Hoyu Chong's picture
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Hoyu Chong is a Senior Policy Analyst at Information Technology & Innovation Foundation's Center for Clean Energy Innovation, where she focuses on federal clean energy RD&D portfolio by emission sectors. Previously, Ms. Chong was a Practice Area Lead at Beacon Economics, a boutique consulting firm where she led its Sustainable Growth and Development and Housing and Land Use practice areas. She worked heavily with geographic information system (GIS) software and data in support of economic and policy analysis related to energy, the environment, housing, land use, and transportation.
Zoi Christoforou's picture
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Professor of engineering, expert in transportation and mobility, at the University of Patras. Her most recent research interests include the areas of simulation of Autonomous Vehicles, modeling of the impact of human factors on traffic and traffic safety, analysis of soft mobility and micromobility systems (pedestrians, bikes, e-scooters).
Molly Rosenberg's picture
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I am an Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Indiana University. I study the health impacts of poverty alleviation programs (e.g. cash transfers, microfinance).
Danielle Dennis's picture
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Danielle Dennis is dean and professor of the University of Rhode Island College of Education and Professional Studies. Dean Dennis is a scholar of literacy teacher education and policy. She serves as a member of the board of directors for the International Literacy Association.
Bruce Spencer's picture
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Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Statistics and Data Science, Northwestern University. PhD in Statistics from Yale University, 1979. Research fields include survey statistics, sampling methods, statistical demography, statistical modeling of seismic hazards, legal statistics, uses of statistics, cost-benefit analysis of statistics.
Edward Boone's picture
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Professor of Statistics at Virginia Commonwealth University. PhD in Statistics from Virginia Tech, MS in Statistics from Virginia Tech, MS in Mathematics from Miami University, BS in Mathematics Education from Bowling Green State University. I work on Bayesian methodology for applied problems. I have worked on projects in Ecology, Psychology, Forensic Science, Engineering and Genetics.
Tarek Mostafa's picture
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Tarek is Associate Professor in Education and Public Policy at the School of Education, University of Birmingham. Previously, he was a policy analyst at the OECD directorate of Education and Skills (PISA team) and a Senior Research Associate at University College London, Institute of Education. His research spanned several areas including: equity in education, assessment, education and social policy, and quantitative and survey methods. Tarek worked extensively on international surveys such as PISA and TIMSS, the different British Cohort Studies, and British administrative data.
Matthew Page's picture
Short description: 
Research focus: corruption/kleptocracy (globally); Nigeria. Associate Fellow, Chatham House; Nonresident Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Books: Understanding Kleptocracy (forthcoming); Nigeria: What Everyone Needs to Know (OUP, 2018). Longtime analyst with the U.S. Departments of State and Defense; former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Africa at the National Intelligence Council. International Affairs Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. MA (PPE, Oxon), MA (War Studies, London).

