User directory


Dionne Marga Larin's picture
Short description: 
Director III, Capacity Building and Knowledge Management Service of the Public-Private Partnership Center of the Philippines. Oversees the Capacity Building Division, the Knowledge Management Division, and the Management and Information Systems Division. Has a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Santo Tomas and a Master's degree in International Relations major in Development Cooperation at the Ewha Womans University, Seoul. Currently the PPP Center's Gender and Development Committee Chairperson and is responsible for overseeing gender mainstreaming in the Center.
Tuuli Hirvilammi's picture
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I am a social policy researcher with an expertise in sustainable welfare states, theories on sustainable wellbeing, ecosocial policies and postgrowth trajectories. Currently working as a Senior Research Fellow in Tampere University, Finland.
tuuli lahti's picture
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Adjunct Professor Tuuli Lahti is a Principal Lecturer at the Master School of Health and Wellbeing of Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland. She is an expert in health promotion, policy and services and is experienced in international and interdisciplinary environments.
Ashley Reichelmann's picture
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Associate Professor of Sociology, and Associate Director of Center for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention at Virginia Tech
Eddie Choo's picture
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Researcher in Singapore working in the area of demographics and foresight
Sheila Conejos's picture
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With great passion, Sheila Conejos continues to promote the concept of "adapt+maintain+sustain+circulate" the built environment for a sustainable and resilient future. She is a multidisciplinary professional and academic with 25 years of experience as architect, urban planner and sustainable development specialist in Asia-Pacific. She has a PhD in Sustainable Development and Architecture and was awarded the CIOB Australasia Research Excellence Award for Doctoral Research. Sheila is an active researcher and author of a number of peer reviewed journals on urban and building sustainability.
Raul Ferrer Conill's picture
Short description: 
Raul Ferrer-Conill is an associate professor of Journalism and Media and Communication at the University of Stavanger, Norway. His research investigates digital journalism, audience engagement, gamification, and the structural changes of the datafied society. His work has been published in international journals, including Digital Journalism, New Media & Society, Journalism Studies, and Nordicom Review. He is the director of the Digital Society Research Group at UiS and the chair PolSoc Research School.
Anas Iqtait's picture
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Anas Iqtait is a Lecturer in Economics and Political Economy of the Middle East. He holds a PhD in Political Economy and an MA in International Development Policy. His research interest spans a range of areas, including: political economy, economic relations, and geoeconomics of the Middle East region; political economy dynamics shaping governance and fiscal policy of the Palestinian Authority and the Levant. Anas is a co-founder and chief editor of the ANU based Near East Policy Forum and serves as a non-resident scholar with the Middle East Institute (United States).
Swee Chuan Tan's picture
Short description: 
Associate Professor and Head of the Business Analytics Programmes at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. Current research focuses on the applications of data mining and analytics for business and social good. Topics of interest include predictive modelling, anomaly detection, clustering, analytics project management and methodologies, etc. I have designed and taught courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and for industry professionals and government agencies.
Rini Astuti's picture
Short description: 
Research Fellow, UNESCO CHAIR - CPAS, ANU. Rini Astuti’s research focuses on environmental and resource governance in Indonesia, including on climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. Her recent research is on transboundary haze & peatland governance. She is currently developing new research agenda on the “critical geographies of decarbonisation”. She studies Indonesian small islands as frontiers of critical material extraction for green economy agenda and traces who bears the burden and shares the benefits of global energy transitions.

