User directory


Joni Vainikka's picture
Short description: 
Geographer, post-doctoral researcher in Decarbon-Home research consortium at the University of Helsinki and the president of the Geographical Society of Finland. PhD 2015 University of Oulu, MSc 2006 University of Turku, Visiting researcher at Aalborg University 2019-2022 and University of Exeter 2010. Researching identities, climate attitudes and perceptions, regions, geographies of time and connections and disconnections in aeromobilities and islands. Worked also in state regional administration on strategy and forecasting.
Nicola Gale's picture
Short description: 
Nicola Gale, MA, PhD, is a Professor of Health Policy and Sociology working in the fields of health services research, public health, primary care, community-led and complementary health care. Professor Gale is committed to theoretically-informed empirical work that involves, aids better understanding of, and meets the needs of a diverse population. She specialises in interdisciplinary research and qualitative methods. She is currently Head of the School of Social Policy, and Co-Director of Confronting Antimicrobial Resistance (CARe) theme in the Institute for Global Innovation.
Sandip Sukhtankar's picture
Short description: 
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, and Co-Director of UVA-CLEAR (Corruption Lab for Ethics, Accountability, and Rule of Law) at the University of Virginia. Research interests: development economics, political economy, and public economics. Co-editor of Journal of Public Economics; affiliate of the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development (BREAD) and Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL); board member DIGIFI Africa and Social Protection initiatives at J-PAL. PhD, Harvard University, 2009; BA, Swarthmore College, 2000.
Delphine Labbé's picture
Short description: 
Dr Delphine Labbé in an assistant professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago in Disability and Human Development. Her work focus on promoting full participation and health of people living with disabilities by optimizing their interaction with the social and physical environment. She is deeply committed to co-construct knowledge and interventions with people with disabilities and with relevant stakeholders (e.g. urban planners, health care professionals) to produce policy and social changes.
Sopheak Song's picture
Short description: 
Dr Song Sopheak is the Deputy Executive Director in charge of research at CDRI. Prior to this current position, he had been with CDRI’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation since 2016, first as the research fellow and then the director between 2020 and 2022. His international experience in research career includes fellowships at the Global Career Design Center of Hiroshima University, Japan; at the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne, Australia; and at the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, Switzerland.
Naron Veung's picture
Short description: 
Mr Veung Naron has joined CDRI as a PhD scholarship awardee under the r4d programme’s project “Skills for Industry”, focusing on the garment, food processing and electrical and electronic sector since mid-2018. He has been involved in various firm-level surveys and qualitative interviews. He has also gained more than 10 years of extensive experience working in Cambodia’s TVET sector. He is currently doing his PhD degree at Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia. In 2015, he obtained his master's degree in International Development from GSID of Nagoya University.
Michael Paskevicius's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Michael Paskevicius is Assistant Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Victoria. His research focuses on learning design practices, the development of digital literacies, and supporting personal knowledge management in an environment of rapid technological change. As an advocate for openness in education, his research explores the integration of open-source tools, open educational resources, and the development of open educational practices in teaching and learning.
Phoury Bun's picture
Short description: 
Phoury graduated with a Master of Education (by Research) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She also holds dual honors degrees, Bachelor of Education (B.Ed in TEFL) from the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) and Bachelor of Accounting and Finance from CamEd Business School. Her research interests include aspects of academia, TVET, the roles of arts in science, enterpreneurship, philosophy in higher education, social psychology of the classroom, equality, and equity, monitoring, and evaluation in learning, and technology, creativity, and critical thinking in educ
Alaz Munzur's picture
Short description: 
Alaz Munzur is an Assistant Professor at Simon Fraser University, School of Public Policy. Her primary research is focused in the areas of government regulation and policy on energy and environment; international cooperation on climate issues; internal and international trade policy and economic history. Prior to joining Simon Fraser University, she completed her PhD in Economics at the University of Calgary and worked as a research associate at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.
Adam Foley (they/them)'s picture
Short description: 
University of Delaware Office of Institutional Equity Director- Diversity Education, Assessment, & Outreach Adjunct Faculty- Women's & Gender Studies/ Human Development & Family Sciences

