User directory


Diego Sánchez-Ancochea's picture
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Head of the Oxford Department of International Development and Professor of the Political Economy of Development at the University of Oxford. Together with Juliana Martínez Franzoni he has worked extensively on universal social policies in the South, with particular attention to Latin America. He is currently working on the determinants and consequences of inequality through the study of the Latin American experience.
Aleksandar Deejay's picture
Short description: 
Aleks Deejay is the research coordinator for The Policy Lab. Aleks's research explores the governance of emerging technologies, attitudes towards automation and AI, and critical discourses of technology and technological futures, and use and impact of emerging technologies in public policy and services. He has researched and taught at The University of Melbourne and Monash University.
Siddhant Agarwal's picture
Short description: 
I am an experienced Technology Trainer and have been involved in delivering trainings on and teaching students on some of the latest and cutting-edge technologies like: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things at various national and international forums. I am also an Intel Software Innovator - a developer advocacy and speakership program supporting innovative, independent developers who display an ability to create and demonstrate forward-looking projects by providing them with speaking and demonstration opportunities at industry events and developer gatherings. I am also a Google Machine Learning Crash Course Facilitator and an organizer for the Google Cloud Developer Community in New Delhi. I have also involved in executing Google Design Sprints – a Design Thinking and Agile Development Methodology focused training series to improve the user experience of applications.
Angharad Dalton's picture
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Programme Manager at Y Lab, the public service laboratory for Wales. I manage Innovate to Save, a programme that supports public services in Wales to improve public service delivery at the same time as generating cashable savings.
Gianfranco Giuntoli's picture
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I am research fellow at the Social Policy Research Centre at UNSW Sydney (University of New South Wales). My research interests lie in the social study of health and illness, with a particular focus on the connections between well-being, poverty and employment transitions, and how social and policy factors affect people’s intra-personal and inter-personal experiences of well-being and their resilience. I have extensive experience of undertaking research using a variety of research methods, specialising in mixed methods and qualitative research. My work has explored the quality of life, needs, service acceptability and service accessibility of socially disadvantaged groups, including people with disabilities, older people, unemployed people, migrants, and people living with HIV/AIDS. Work that I conducted in the field of mental health and wellbeing in England as part of an ESRC Lifelong Health and Wellbeing Collaborative Development Network Award was published in the series of expert papers by The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). I am the first author of the qualitative report published as part of the outcome evaluation of the NSW Keep Them Safe Program; this evaluation (led by Professor Ilan Katz at SPRC) won the Australasian Evaluation Society’s 2015 Award for Excellence in Evaluation.
Jigyasa Sharma's picture
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Working as a Research Assistant at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore.
Su-Chuin Soon's picture
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Civil Servant
Marikit Castillo's picture
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Program Officer with the Asia Foundation
tarn how tan's picture
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Policy research in the institute of policy studies (national university of Singapore) in the area of culture and media
Justin Lee's picture
Short description: 
Justin Lee is interested in the potential of open collaboration to map out social needs, democratising the kind of work that is typically done by researchers, policymakers or specialist agencies. He started and continues to facilitate networks for this purpose. He has substantive interests in issues relating to disadvantaged populations, and has done research on the social inclusion of people with disabilities, proper end-of-life planning for vulnerable seniors and the re-integration of ex-offenders. He is also interested in the non-profit sector at large, and has been paying keen attention to the role and strengths of new and untapped resources like game designers, community artists and other social innovators. In his previous position at the National Council of Social Service, Justin led needs-assessment projects, helped design programmes and conducted evaluation studies in partnership with various Voluntary Welfare Organisations. He is also Chairman of ArtsWok Collaborative, a non-profit organisation, which seeks to connect communities by harnessing the power of the arts to create dialogue, invite social participation and build bridges across difference.

