User directory


Anand Trivedi's picture
Short description: 
Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Expert with diverse professional and entrepreneurial experience spanning across Social & Infrastructure sectors and working with Central Government & State Government agencies, multilateral funding institutions and private sector clients. Currently with Government of India's leading policy think-tank, NITI Aayog in Development Monitoring & Evaluation Office that provides policy inputs based on M&E to Hon'ble Prime Minister of India for structural reforms and Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance for effective public investments. Also driving a G2C engagement enabling startup (Nasscom Social Innovation Foundation 2018 Winner).
Venkatesan Seeralan's picture
Short description: 
Working in NITI Aayog as Policy Research Professional and have 15 years experiences in social sector issues - poverty, undernutrition, caste, social exclusion human development and Public policies/programmes/schemes - Government/State special strategies / budget allocation for socially disadvantaged groups viz SCSP & TSP, Gender/Child budgeting. I am also working with the Economic Advisory Council to Prime Minister (EAC-PM), NITI Aayog specifically supporting the Advisory team on Social Sector and Infrastructure Development.
Desh Gaurav Sekhri's picture
Short description: 
Desh is presently working with NITI Aayog as a policy specialist in governance & research and law since September 2017. He has a comprehensive understanding of governance, policy initiatives and their implications, along with current affairs. He has been involved with a diverse range of projects including - Reform of Autonomous Bodies, Transformation of the Gold Sector, differential voting rights and control mechanisms, Direct Benefit Transfers in Fertilizers, data localization, data privacy, the Millets report, and others. He is actively involved with analyzing research studies across different verticals, and is a core member of the Knowledge Hub Portal initiative for best practices at the district level. With a strong grasp on the policy agenda and communications, he has also been tasked to drive events and conferences. Desh leads the legal department within NITI and regularly works on measuring economic impacts and outcomes and benchmarks of legal and judicial decisions both in India and globally. Desh is a dual-qualified lawyer (New York and India) and has practiced for nearly a decade in various areas of law, with a large portion of that time spent at J. Sagar Associates (2009-2016). He is a frequent columnist, invited to share his domain knowledge and opinions on subject matters ranging from policy, governance, law, and sport, by various publications such as the Economic Times, Business Standard, The Hindu, Indian Express, Hindu Business Line, Financial Express, Hindustan Times, Outlook, Forbes India, and India Today among others. He is the author of ‘Not Out! The incredible story of the Indian Premier League’, an objective look at the policy implications, strategy, business model and law of the IPL. The book was published by Penguin Random House in April 2016. He has commenced work on two books, one slated for publication in 2020 by Oxford University Press, and the other slated for publication in 2022.
Michelle Zwagerman's picture
Short description: 
APO is a digital library service for policy makers and practitioners.
Nia Kurnianingtyas's picture
Short description: 
A practitioner of social program development and management for 15 years with strong interest in learning, community development and non-formal education. Also a certified targeted selection assessor and professional coach. Previously involved to develop Indonesia Mengajar, and currently CEO of Sala Sinau Esensia, a consulting firm working in social development sector, focusing in program development, organisational development and education.
Bakti Barito Foundation's picture
Short description: 
Not-for-profit organization with one of the missions is to empowering Indonesia through education initiatives and innovations in a sustainable environment
Turun Tangan's picture
Short description: 
an incubation of leadership with a voluntary movement approach that encourages people to be actively involved in realizing Indonesia that is full of competent leaders. TurunTangan is currently focusing on 5 areas of volunteerism, namely education, social humanity, political education, environment, and health. As many as 44 cities/regencies throughout Indonesia with 107 voluntary movements, and 53,000 volunteers who have chosen to be involved.
Hoshizora Foundation's picture
Short description: 
Hoshizora Foundation merupakan yayasan pendidikan non profit yang telah mengelola beasiswa untuk anak-anak Indonesia sejak 2006. Seperti arti namanya, Hoshi yang berarti "bintang" dan zora yang berarti "langit", visi yayasan ini adalah memberikan akses pendidikan untuk Anak-anak Indonesia, membantu mereka bermimpi setinggi bintang di langit, dan mengembangkan potensinya untuk mewujudkan dunia yang lebih baik.
Faisal Putra's picture
Short description: 
Senior Leader Team member of SolveEducation, a non-profit organization that is focused on quality education for everyone
Dario Piano's picture
Short description: 
Nací y me crié en Montevideo, Uruguay. Me gradué en la EIEFD (Escuela Internacional de Educación Física y Deporte) de Licenciado en Educación Física y Deporte en La Habana, Cuba donde estudie por 5 años. Trabaje por varios años en la Educación Publica y Comunitaria en Uruguay como profesor de Educación Física e Instructor de Deportes Soy una persona muy empatica, activa y carismática que me relaciono bien con las personas y niños Estoy viviendo en Quito, Ecuador con mi esposa e hijo de años de edad

