User directory


Chhuong OUCH's picture
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A researcher in Environment (forestry) at Cambodia Development Resource Institute.
Angkeara Bong's picture
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Eliane Ubalijoro's picture
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Eliane Ubalijoro is the executive director of C.L.E.A.R. International Development Inc. She is a Professor of Practice at McGill University, a member of Rwanda’s National Science and Technology Council, a fellow of the African Academy of Sciences and a Board member of the International Leadership Association. A former scientific director in a biotechnology company, she has co-lead Bill and Melinda Gates Grand Challenges Exploration grants related to neglected tropical disease drug discovery and innovative participatory feedback from female smallholder farmers. Eliane has facilitated the leadership experiences module in the Emerging Leaders for Sustainable Community Development program co-lead by The Duke of Edinburgh’s Emerging Leaders’ Dialogues, McGill and Vancouver Island University. She has consulted in Haiti and Africa in economic green growth pathways. Eliane gave a TEDx talk on Reimaging the World from Scarcity to Prosperity.
Sothy Khieng's picture
Short description: 
Dr Khieng is a senior research fellow in the Education Unit at CDRI – Cambodia Development Resource Institute. He is a co-editor of Cambodia Education 2015: Employment and Empowerment, for which he did research on the technical training and skills development challenges faced by Cambodia and policy options for overcoming them. His wide-ranging research experience includes public health, cross-border trade, social enterprise, and postsecondary education. As a visiting research fellow at Griffith University, Australia, Dr Khieng published peer-reviewed articles in VOLUNTAS and Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. He’s currently teaching English-medium undergraduate and graduate courses on Issues in Development Studies and Nonprofit Management and Social Enterprise. He is also the author of a book on “The dawn of social enterprise in Cambodia?” which was published because of his doctoral research. He has a PhD in Organization Sciences from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands and an MA in International Development Studies from Ohio University, USA, under the Fulbright Scholar Program.
Chandarany Ouch's picture
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I am economist. Currently I am a Research Fellow and Head of Economics Unit at the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI).
Vanessa Reksodipoetro's picture
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Hi, my name is Vanessa and I am the Executive Director of a local Indonesian NGO, Yayasan Usaha Mulia (Foundation for Noble Work). I have been working at YUM for the past 8 years, in various positions handling fundraising, communications, proposal & report writing as well as establishing several sustainability initiatives (or social enterprises) for YUM.
Chandni Jain's picture
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A Masters student of development, interested in social policies especially those related to the field of education. Have work experience spanning across the government, media, international and private sectors.
Amanda Hadi's picture
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The William & Lily Foundation is an Indonesia-based philanthropic organization, established in 2009 as an outgrow of the philanthropic legacy of William and Lily Soeryadjaya. As an active grant-making foundation, we work closely with our implementation partners on three focus areas: Education, Healthcare and Economic Empowerment.
Janine Teo's picture
Short description: 
I currently eat, breathe, dream Solve Education!, an education technology not-for-profit with the mission of delivering quality education to everyone, focussing on the BOP (Bottom of Pyramid) demographic. As CEO, I am particularly passionate about leveraging technology to solve social problems in a systematic, scalable and sustainable way. Education is the key to solve the many challenges we face in the world today, and because of this, I am an avid speaker on topics like education, edtech, gender equality and poverty alleviation. I also try to contribute wherever I can, as a board member and as a mentor. I have been privileged to be the first Asian to receive the International Intellectual Benefits to Society Award 2018 by Mensa International. I have also received recognition with Education Leader award 2017 by the World Education Congress. Prior to this, I did create some businesses (FMCG and Tech) and also had a crazy ride in the corporate world, You can find out more here:
Murni Leo's picture
Short description: 
Education Specialist - Passionate in education development in Southeast Asia region

