User directory


Nora Groce's picture
Short description: 
Director and Chair, University College London (UCL) Research Centre on Disability. Social scientist working on disability of international development, global health and social justice, with concentration on marginalised groups and expertise on people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries.
Sylvie Montembault Jamal's picture
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Engineer in Agronomy with more than 20 years overseas experience within the donor, UN, NGO and formal education sectors, I have helped to define, implement, monitor and evaluate activities covering vulnerability analysis, needs and risk assessments, humanitarian operations, project management and research in agriculture, food security and disaster risk reduction in a range of emergency and development contexts across Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia in collaboration with both national and international partners. I am currently the Global DRR Coordinator @ European Commission _ DG ECHO FIELDS
Leena Wadia's picture
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Dr. Leena Wadia is Senior Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), Mumbai, one of India’s premier, independent, non-partisan, public policy think tanks. Wadia received her PhD in Physics from the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore.
Ojoma Ochai's picture
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Ojoma Ochai is Managing Partner of The Creative Economy Practice at CC Hub which has a mission to stimulate innovation and technology application to catalyse African Creative Economy growth. The practice delivers the mission through research, advocacy, ecosystem development, investment readiness and other projects that build capacity, attract capital and support intra – African and global collaboration. Ms Ochai is also co-founder of Pixel Ray Studios, a global film and audio - visual content infrastructure development company currently developing projects in Africa and the Caribbean. She sits on the board of ₿ Trust – an organisation set up by Jay Z and Jack Dorsey (CEO of Block Inc and co-founder and former CEO of Twitter) to support bitcoin development in Africa and other locations. She is also a member of the UNESCO global Expert Panel on the 2005 Convention on Cultural Expressions where she has delivered projects in a range of locations around the world particularly in Africa and the Caribbean. Ms Ochai is Board Chair, African Tech and Creative Group - a network of sector leaders that are working to ensure that the Africa Continental Free Trade Area delivers value for African businesses. Her 17+ years of experience spans International Cultural Relations and leading Creative and Digital Economy projects. Her previous roles have included being Regional Director for British Council Sub-Saharan Africa Arts and Creative Economy Programme and other roles working on projects for institutions like the Swedish Arts Council, World Bank, and various national governments to support the development of the Creative Economy.
Usha Sankar's picture
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Instructor of upper level Biology classes for undergraduate students at Fordham University, Bronx, NY for the last 7 years. A cofounder of a not-for-profit organization for coordinating enrichment opportunities for K-12 students. Deeply invested in increasing STEM opportunities for all children throughout K-12 and beyond. Involved in improving pedagogically to increase learning while providing high quality teaching.
Dr Anis Ben Brik's picture
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Anis B. Brik is Associate Professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University College of Public Policy, a member of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. He served as the Director of Family Policy Department at the Doha International Family Institute, a member of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development. His research focuses on comparative welfare systems, evaluation, family policy , child welfare, social protection, and sustainable development.
Arun Mahizhnan's picture
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Special interest in traditional and online media policies. And Tamil language usage in global Tamil diaspora.
Bhavya Singh's picture
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Architect working towards the UN SDG's through collaborations with non-profits and designing interventions. Behavioural design and design thinking methodology user.
Zoe Nation's picture
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Partnership for Young London
Miso Lee's picture
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Currently working at a UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Category 2 Centre, ICM(International Centre of Martial Arts for Youth Development and Engagement) as a Prograame Specialist in the Strategic Planning team.

