User directory


Elina Gautam's picture
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Student of masters in Agriculture science A passionate youth about SDGs. Former researcher of plant protection
Stéphanie Aridou's picture
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Services d'édition. Enseignement. Formation d'adultes.
Jon Symonds's picture
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I am a Lecturer in Social Work with Children and Families at the University of Bristol. I am involved in delivering teaching and conducting research about a wide range of topics related to children and families. My research interests include engaging and working with fathers, understanding direct practice, and the delivery of parenting support programmes. I teach on programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level on topics such as fatherhood, communication skills, family support and research methods. I also have experience in supervising students with dissertations at both Masters and doctoral levels. I am a Board Member of the European Social Work Research Association which works to promote and strengthen social work research.
Noor Bhatnagar's picture
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Currently a political science major, with considerable experience in International Relations.
Yi Mon's picture
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Yi Mon earned her degree specialization in History from University of Mandalay.
Tanja Kovacic's picture
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Post-doctoral researcher in the area of inclusive education and alternative approaches to provision of education
Giovanna Fassetta's picture
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I am Lecturer in Intercultural Literacies and Languages in Education, within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow. I work closely with the UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts at Glasgow. My current research focuses on: issues faced by migrants, asylum seekers and refugees (in particular young people); teaching/learning in situations of protracted crisis; modern languages in education; intercultural communication; critical and engaged pedagogies. Recently, I have been involved in three projects (two of which as P.I.) with academic partners in Palestine, looking at online language teaching/learning in situations of protracted crisis.
Jyldyz Duishenova's picture
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Activities in environmental education and education for sustainable development since 1999. National Coordinator on ESD in the Kyrgyz Republic since 2005, Deputy Chairman of the Steering Committee on ESD of the UNECE from 2008 to the present
Bernard Grixti's picture
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I am an Eco-Schools educator and carried my Masters thesis on the participation of youths with disability in Education for Sustainable (Eco-Schools Programme).
Mehak Kapur's picture
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Mehak recently attained a masters degree in Global Governance and Social Theory program from the University of Bremen, located in Germany. She has researched extensively on issues related to developmental policies, refugees, security and foreign policy, Education sector in India (RTE art. 14), Child Labor in India, critical IR theories-- pedagogy, and Terrorism, Human Rights, Cohesion and assimilation policies for refugees in Europe. I am interested in avenues where I can contribute to policy research—ranging from bottom level: implementation processes to top level: policy-making procedures.

