User directory


René Reisner's picture
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Policy maker in environmental protection, dealing with marine environment, water management.
Claudia Duarte's picture
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Organizational Psycologist, Agreements Officer in WWF, focal point for Prince Bernhard Scholarship, focal point for Youth Voluteer Proogram, Gender Equity
Bernardo Atuesta's picture
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Economist interested in topics related to poverty, inequality, labor markets and social protection.
Yerima Peter Tarfa's picture
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Director, Department of Climate Change, Federal Ministry of Environment, Abuja Nigeria UNFCCC Focal Point for Nigeria
Ana Loboguerrero's picture
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Previously I worked at the Sustainable Environmental Development Deputy Directorate of the National Planning Department of Colombia as coordinator of climate change. While at the deputy directorate, I led the formulation of the Colombian Climate Change Policy, the National Adaptation Plan, the National Development Plan and the research agenda on climate change as well as coordinated technical support for the Colombian Low Carbon Growth Strategy. I have also worked as an external expert panel member of the evaluation of FAO work in climate change mitigation and adaptation. In my current position, I play a major role in leadership on partnerships and capacity for scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture that cuts across all CCAFS Flagships and Regions and all CGIAR Research Programs. I also manage global engagement processes and global synthesis topics that cut across all CCAFS Flagship Leaders, including report/paper writing, engagement and communication and leading on major CCAFS proposals. I also lead the Latin American Section of CCAFS. In this position, I play a major role in partnership development aimed to build impact pathways so that knowledge in climate change leads to implementation. I have used my experience working in the public sector to become a key partner of policy makers and planners in the region so that they truly use climate information and tools to design and implement plans and strategies and find ways to make climate information useful and applicable for end-users. I hold a Master and a PhD in Economics from University of California, Los Angeles, USA (UCLA). My research agenda has focused on understanding how science can influence decision-making processes either by policy stakeholders or by farmers’ themselves. The work with respect to the appropriation of climate information by farmers presented in my recent publication: Bridging the gap between climate science and farmers in Colombia was the winner of the United Nations Momentum for Change Lighthouse Award 2017. I have also worked on the construction and comparison between various types of economic models to assess the consequences of adaptation and mitigation for the economic development of the countries. This research agenda has helped deeply to inform policies and interventions that combine and consider trade-offs between adaptation and mitigation toward low emissions agricultural development. I am a national of Colombia and I am currently based in Cali, Colombia.
Yi Jun Mock's picture
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Hailing from Singapore, Yi Jun serves as a Project Leader at the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Youth Initiative (SDSN Youth), where he oversees the SDG Students Program ( Outside of his work with SDSN Youth, Yi Jun co-founded and serves as President of Advisory, a nonprofit dedicated to helping Singaporean youth make informed career choices. Yi Jun has advocated for the importance of youth engagement for the SDGs at multilateral fora like the UN SDG Action Campaign Global Festival of Action for Sustainable Development, the UN-Habitat World Urban Forum, and the Vatican Youth Symposium. He has also represented Singapore on the international stage, as an EU-ASEAN Young Leader at the inaugural EU-ASEAN Young Leaders Forum and at Commonwealth engagements such as the Commonwealth Day Service and Commonwealth Youth Forum. Yi Jun is a Queen’s Young Leader, Schwarzman Scholar, Global Shaper, and Youth Environment Envoy with Singapore’s National Environment Agency.
Aklilu Desta's picture
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Programme Manager for Higher Education and Skills Development
Jean Constantinesco's picture
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Political officer at the EU Delegation to the AU - initiator of the AU-EU Youth Cooperation Hub: Interested in new ways of responding to old challenges.
Norbert Mumba's picture
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Deputy Executive Director- Alliance for Financial Inclusion a global network of regulators and policymakers with common purpose of enhancing Financial Inclusion globally.
Mark Lundy's picture
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Mark Lundy is a Senior Scientist at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, CIAT, in Cali, Colombia where he leads the Sustainable Food Systems team. His work focuses on the role of markets in reducing rural poverty including learning networks to increase capacities for enterprise development, the role of public agencies to promote market access and how to establish and sustain effective trading relationships between buyers and smallholder farmers.  Emerging areas of work in sustainable food systems include inclusion in traditional markets, climate resilience and environmental sustainability of food systems and multi-actor platforms to improve decision-making. Mark is lead author of guides on rural enterprise development, the LINK method on inclusive business models and an active participant in multi-stakeholder forums focused on sustainability and smallholder inclusion.

