User directory


Elizabeth Silva's picture
Short description: 
I am responsible for the Science Sector of the Portuguese National Commission for UNESCO, since 1994. I am Member of the Portuguese National Committee for IGCP of UNESCO, member of the National Committee for the MAB Programme, Member of the Portuguese National Committee for the Mathematics of Planet Earth. I also belong to to the team responsible for the national award L'ÓREAL Portugal for "Women in Science". I am also the Coordinator of the Portuguese Forum of the UNESCO Global Geoparks and catalyst for the Working Group - Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development of the Global Geoparks Network and Vice-President of the Advisory Committee of the Global Geoparks Network. I also belong to the International Association for the Promotion of Geoethics (invited researcher about UNESCO Global Geoparks). I have also belonged to the Portuguese National Committee for IOC during seven years assisting its President, Professor Mário Ruivo. I also have a seat in several Portuguese UNESCO Chairs in the field of natural and social sciences. I am also involved in capacity building training courses about the scientific programes of UNESCO and about the reation of new UNESCO Global Geoparks. I am finishing my PhD this year about the UNESCO Global Geoparks and the Agenda 2030.
Short description: 
I. Serve as Head of the UNESCO National Commission ii. Act as Secretary to the UNESCO National Commission's General Assembly and its executive committees iii. Establish and strengthen relationship between Sierra Leone and UNESCO, ISESCO and other UN Agencies iv. Liaise with the two Ministries of Education and the UNDP Country Office on matters relating to UNESCO and other Agencies v. Responsible for coordinating and processing request for development assistance from Sierra Leone to UNESCO and other Agencies vi. undertake advocacy and publicity programmes relating to UNESCO'S objectives and functions
Joel Ongoto's picture
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Ag. Deputy Secretary General, Research and Resource Mobilization and Programme Director Social and Human Sciences, Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
Darlene Cavalier's picture
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Interests in public engagement in science and science policy .
robert atkinson's picture
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As founder and president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), recognized as the world’s top think tank for science and technology policy, Robert D. Atkinson leads a prolific team of policy analysts and fellows that is successfully shaping the debate and setting the agenda on a host of critical issues at the intersection of technological innovation and public policy. He is an internationally recognized scholar and a widely published author whom The New Republic has named one of the “three most important thinkers about innovation,” Washingtonian Magazine has called a “tech titan,” Government Technology Magazine has judged to be one of the 25 top “doers, dreamers and drivers of information technology,” and the Wharton Business School has awarded him the “Wharton Infosys Business Transformation Award.” A sought-after speaker and valued adviser to policymakers around the world, Atkinson’s books include Big is Beautiful: Debunking the Mythology of Small Business (MIT Press, 2018); Innovation Economics: The Race for Global Advantage (Yale, 2012), and The Past And Future Of America’s Economy: Long Waves Of Innovation That Power Cycles Of Growth (Edward Elgar, 2005). He also has conducted groundbreaking research projects and authored hundreds of articles and reports on technology and innovation-related topics ranging from tax policy to advanced manufacturing, productivity, and global competitiveness.He has testified before the United States Congress more than 30 times
Alireza Moghisi's picture
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Serban Scrieciu's picture
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I am currently working as a senior research fellow with the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College London, on the economics of decarbonising complex social systems. I am a keen supporter of pluralism in economics and including different schools of economic thought within an intra- and inter-disciplinary dialogue, when aiming to solve wicked problems, such as inequality and climate change.
Daniel Nyanganyura's picture
Short description: 
Director of the Future Earth Africa Hub Leadership Centre, which seeks to promote and strengthen sustainability science in Africa. We believe that research, innovation, and collaboration can transform Africa toward sustainability. We seek to harness the experience and reach of African scientists and innovators and facilitate multidisciplinary research, mobilise networks, spark innovation, and turn knowledge into action.
Barbora Galvankova's picture
Short description: 
Hi. I'm specialized in the policy and development programmes design with the focus on gender equality, women's empowerment and women's rights. I'm experienced in - designing and reviewing of gender mainstreaming strategies and gender equality policies (including policy development, action plans, implementation strategies, gender markers/ coding, institutional assessment and reporting) designing clear and accessible gender equality tools and reports across diverse sectors. Strong analysis skills and ability to synthesize, draw and incorporate research and academic literature. - conducting gender-analysis and facilitating staff competence to plan for, achieve and report on gender equality results at the project, programme and organizational level. - in fostering collaboration and policy dialogues among various stakeholders ranging from high-level government representatives, local communities, women’s networks and activists and UN agencies in diverse environments EU, Middle East, Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries.
Devina Nand's picture
Short description: 
I am the Director Epidemiology at the Ministry of Health and Medical Services in Fiji. My experience in Fiji spans the last 13 years and I have worked in the public health systems in both rural and urban health facilities. I have been appointed as Special Assignments for the then Minister for Health in 2010 where I undertook health reforms including devolution of outpatient services to satellite clinics. She has worked in the surveillance and response, health information systems, health policy and social determinants of health environments. I have chaired the Surveillance Technical Working Group under the National Taskforce on Control of Outbreak Prone diseases and have been a member of the Taskforce. I have also been a key player in implementation and the roll out of the Early Warning and Response Systems (EWARS) post Tropical Cyclone Winston in Fiji with the assistance of WHO. I am also a member of the Fiji National Health Research and Ethics Review Committee (FNHRERC). I have worked worked with the Kirby Institute to co-facilitate the Biosecurity in the Pacific Workshop. I am currently undertaking a Professional Doctorate at the University of New South Wales and hold a Masters in Public Health.

