User directory


David Weisstanner's picture
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I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford at the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, the Oxford Martin School and Nuffield College. My research focuses on the political causes and consequences of income inequality. I am broadly interested in comparative politics and comparative political economy.
Kwang Rim's picture
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I am a Medical Doctor with a degree of Master of Public Health. I work at World Health Organization at country level right now. So far I have obtained over 18 years of experiences in the public health of developing countries at national and international levels with various technical programs such as health emergency preparedness and response including pandemic influenza preparedness, tuberculosis, immunization and malaria, etc. WHO role,as a convener and leading health agency, is critical to ensure strengthening country capacities for health emergency preparedness and risk management focusing on health system strengthening. Our scope of work covers generation, translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge for policy formulation, setting norms and standards for program planning, implementation and monitoring, etc. This is particularly important with current global momentum and broader partnership approaches for health security matters, which certainly demands enhanced WHO leadership and technical roles with timely and quality assured technical deliverables at the countries.
Siri Chilazi's picture
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Siri Chilazi is a Research Fellow at the Women and Public Policy Program at the Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government. Her work centers on advancing women and promoting gender equality within organizations, and she specializes in translating academic research into practical approaches and tools to design more inclusive workplaces. Siri also has a background in strategy consulting and policy analysis.
Carleigh Krubiner's picture
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Carleigh Krubiner is a policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, where she focuses on ethical issues surrounding equitable development and delivery of health interventions in low and middle-income settings. Her current research focuses on practical approaches for ethics analysis in priority-setting for Universal Health Coverage. As part of this work, she is leading research with partners in South Africa to develop a country-specified, consensus-driven ethics framework for priority-setting under National Health Insurance. Carleigh is also on the Faculty at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, where she led development of ethics guidance to ensure that the development and deployment of vaccines against emerging pathogens will fairly include the interests of pregnant women and their offspring. Carleigh received her PhD in Health Policy and Bioethics from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her dissertation focused on the ethical design of conditional cash transfer programs for health promotion.
Sofia Cordeiro's picture
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Sofia Cordeiro is the Coordinator of the Ocean Programme of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) since 2016. The programme has the mission of maximizing the dialogue among the different scientific communities that are part of the ocean transdisciplinary area in order to coordinate the national activities in ocean and science technology and the participation of Portugal in European and international organizations associated with ocean issues. At national level Sofia is currently co-coordinating the development of the Science and Innovation Agenda for the Ocean, a bottom up thematic agenda involving more than 50 renewed Portuguese stakeholders. At European and international level Sofia is deeply involved in science diplomacy activities in the Atlantic basin, being the coordinator of the H2020 project AANChOR CSA (All AtlaNtic Coordination for Ocean Research and Innovation) and is the contact point of FCT towards the international “Atlantic Interactions” initiative. Sofia is also the Portuguese delegate to JPI Oceans, the delegate to the European Marine Board and the alternate delegate to the ECORD Council. Sofia is also involved in the OECD Ocean Economy and Innovation Working Group, both in 2017-2018 and 2019-2020. Previously Sofia was Science Officer at the EurOcean (2010-2016) where she was responsible for administrative and financial issues of this European initiative, was co-responsible for managing the Sea For Society FP7 project among other duties. Sofia started her science management career as an Events Manager at the National Centre for Cancer Research (CNIO) in Spain (2008-2010). Sofia holds a PhD (2008) in Physiology and Biochemistry from the University of Lisbon where she studied the Physiological response of C4 grasses to chilling conditions at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal and at the Rothamsted Research Institute, UK.
Matthew Donoghue's picture
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Lecturer in Comparative Social Policy, University of Oxford. Primary research interests in Social (citizenship) Rights, Social Cohesion, Resilience.
Farwa Aamer's picture
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Research Associate at the EastWest Institute and lead the institute's South Asia Initiative.
Alysha Gardner's picture
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I currently work as a development finance research assistant at the Center for Global Development, focusing on Chinese development finance and multilateral development institutions. In the evenings, I am working towards my Masters in Public Policy at George Washington University, specializing in Public Finance. In the past, I have worked as an economist for the Utah State Legislature with experience in homelessness services, inter-governmental relations, and tax policy. I have also worked as a student associate at the Sorenson Impact Center, providing evidence-based consulting on social impact bonds and development impact bonds. BA in International Affairs from BYU, class of '17. Professional proficiency in Portuguese due to time spent in northeastern Brazil.
Amanda Leverett's picture
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Events Manager Center for Global Development
Noémie RAZAFIMANDIMBY's picture
Short description: 
United Nations staff since 2015. Master degree in public law and politic science

