User directory


Cornelia Auer's picture
Short description: 
My PhD- background is in data analysis and scientific visualization. Currently I am working as Posts-Doc on the communication of climate change scenarios with a focus on socio-economic/ mitigation scenarios from the IAM community. Our current communication offensive of the SENSES projects also includes climate change (CMIP) - and impact- projections (ISIMIP).
Tatjana HEMA's picture
Short description: 
Graduate in Chemical Technologies at University of Tirana, Albania. Postgraduate in Environment Management and Technologies, EPFL Switzerland. Lector at Tirana University until 1998. Senior management positions at National Environment Agency and Ministry of Environment of Albania 1998-2003; Since 2003 join UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan Secretariat in different positions, Since October 2016 UNEP MAP Deputy Coordinator. Main field of expertise: environmental governance, marine pollution assess and control, ocean governance, integrated monitoring and assessment of marine and coastal environment, marine litter management.
Dr Pushpa Ranjan Wijesinghe's picture
Short description: 
Public Health expert over 25 year of experience. Holds 2 masters and a doctorate. Area of expertise is communicable disease control and immunization
Jyldyz Djumalieva's picture
Short description: 
Jyldyz Djumalieva is a Data Science Research Fellow at Nesta. She is leading on a stream of labour market research work for ESCoE (the Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence). Prior to joining Nesta Jyldyz was a Data Analyst at the Bank of England where she worked on projects involving text mining, social media analysis and graph databases. Jyldyz completed a MSc with distinction in Big Data Analytics from the Sheffield Hallam University and a MSc in Organisational Psychology from the University of Hartford, CT. As part of ESCoE, Jyldyz has created the first data-driven classification of skills in the UK that is publicly available. The classification was created by using a dataset of 41 million UK online job adverts and by applying machine learning methods, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), document clustering, and distributed word representations. The resulting classification provides a consistent way of measuring skills shortages at a granular level, and provides the first link between skills and job titles which in turn could be used to improve careers advice.
Julien Le Tellier's picture
Short description: 
Julien Le Tellier is Programme Management Officer in charge of Socio-Economic Affairs at the UN Environment/Mediterranean Action Plan - Barcelona Convention Secretariat in Athens, Greece, since 2017. His activities aim at supporting the implementation and follow-up of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development (MSSD). This position follows his long engagement in the work of the MAP - Barcelona Convention system at the Plan Bleu Regional Activity Centre in Marseille, France, where he worked for 8 years as Sustainable Development Programme Officer. Julien holds a PhD (2006) from Aix-Marseille University, France, and a post-PhD (2007) in Rabat, Morocco, in Geography and Urban Planning.
Cecilia Njenga's picture
Short description: 
I am an Economist/Urban and Regional Planner with over 25 years of substantive and progressive experience at international, regional and national levels, providing transformative leadership, technical and advisory services in development of strategies in sustainable development. I am results-oriented and strategic. I am passionate, creative, energetic, entrepreneurial and networker ready to apply my full capabilities to support and address urgent developmental challenges.
Swati Ghosh's picture
Short description: 
Urban development professional specializing in economic development related topics. Love working on workforce development issues and how inclusion helps solve economic development challenges in communities and spread prosperity more broadly.
Diane Coyle's picture
Short description: 
Bennett Professor of Public Policy, University of Cambridge.
Andrés López R's picture
Short description: 
Indigenous and local knowledge in climate change, PhD
Tanya Filer's picture
Short description: 
I lead the Digital State Project at the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge. The Project seeks to improve the capacities of governments around the world as users, developers, and regulators of digital and emerging technologies. My current research and policy engagement focus on the emergence and governance of GovTech innovation ecosystems, in which small, innovative technology providers serve government as client. My work is international, including (to date) Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East. As one of the first staff member of the Bennett Institute, I also contribute broadly on strategy. I am engaged in postgraduate teaching at Cambridge, and offer advisory services to public institutions and SMEs. I am the author of Thinking about GovTech: A brief guide for policymakers, a Bennett Institute publication that provides an introduction to GovTech on a global scale and 8 recommendations for fostering GovTech innovation ecosystems and steering them towards positive outcomes for citizens and public administrators.

