User directory


Tommaso Ciarli's picture
Short description: 
Tommaso is Senior Research Fellow at SPRU, University of Sussex. His main research interests are in the area of technological change, institutional change, and economic development. He is currently involved in several funded projects, among which: micro macro models of growth and structural change (EC), the relation between innovation, employment, and inequality (ESRC, JRF), violent conflict and economic activity (ESRC, CEPR and DFID), and the relation between inclusive innovation and structural change (IDRC). He is also revising papers on recently finished projects, among which the political economy of research trajectories in agri technologies (ESRC and NSF). He holds a PhD in Economics and in Industrial Development from the University of Birmingham and the University of Ferrara (Italy). He previously worked as a Researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Economics (2008-2011), as a Postdoc at the Manchester Metropolitan University (2007-2008) and at the University of L'Aquila, Italy (2006-2007) and teaching at the University of Bologna (2005-2007). Before the PhD Tommaso has worked for UNIDO and ECLAC (2000-2004).
Lim Pau Hua's picture
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A public-policy analyst at the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI), a Malaysia leading think-tank. I provide commentaries and write regularly on Malaysiakini, I am also a member of National University Singapore’s prestigious Temasek Foundation International Scholar.
Anisha Asundi's picture
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Anisha Asundi, MPH, is currently a Research Fellow: Gender Specialist at the Women and Public Policy Program at the Harvard Kennedy School. At WAPPP, she manages the Gender Action Portal ( by editing and vetting articles for the Portal and by providing content management for the website. She also works on WAPPP's Gender and Technology portfolio - which aims to increase the wealth of research on how to close the tech gender gap and advance D&I in tech fields.
Julian Duggan's picture
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Mbeo Ogeya's picture
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Mbeo Ogeya is a Research Fellow at SEI Africa. He has 11 years research experience in renewable energy technologies and systems modelling, and with extensive skills in LEAP Energy Systems Modelling. Other skills include: hydropower development, solar photovoltaic, bioenergy and energy efficiency. He has worked as an energy consultant, mentor and national policy advisor. Mbeo has a special interest in Water-energy-food nexus, local innovations and community based approaches. His research seeks to address energy trends and associated natural resource flows. His research interest are in the areas of climate change, natural resources and air quality. His professional affiliation is a founding member of the Association of Energy Professionals East Africa, the local chapter of Association of Energy Engineers - Atlanta.
Ivonne Lobos Alva's picture
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Ivonne Lobos Alva is the lead Research Fellow for work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at SEI Latin America. She is a sustainability expert with over a decade of experience, equally divided between scientific institutions and international development organizations. Key areas of interest are the sustainable management of natural resources, the transformation towards sustainable food systems, and the formulation and implementation of global sustainability agreements. Her current work focuses on supporting the implementation, follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ivonne combines her research and management experience with a passion for the design of participatory processes and has implemented over 50 participatory multi-stakeholder dialogues. She has systematically engaged in global platforms and processes: such as the Global Soil Partnership hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); the process led by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) to discuss the development of a Land Degradation Neutral World framework and to define global indicators for sustainable land and soil use; and the process at the United Nations to negotiate the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs. She is an environmental engineer and obtained a MSc in Environmental Governance from the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, in Germany.
Amat Adarov's picture
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Dr. Amat Adarov is a research economist focusing on international trade and finance, applied macroeconomics, financial markets, economic integration and transition economies.
Boonwara Sumano Chenphuengpawn's picture
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I am a research fellow working on social policy development in Thailand and Southeast Asia. I am particularly interested in labour migration, social protection, social investment, and ASEAN.
Ross Harvey's picture
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Lars Cramer-Larsen's picture
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Major and Senior Analyst - Danish Institute for International Studies. Previously worked with operational level planning, Civil-Military Interaction, Civil-Military Cooperation, Conflictstuides, International Security & Law

