Expert and fellow directory


Marvin Cheung's picture
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Cheung is a business executive and global governance scholar. He co-directs the Center for Global Agenda (CGA) and directs the Venture Strategy Group (VSG) at Unbuilt Labs. He is a Global Diplomacy Fellow at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), a UNESCO IPL Expert, as well as a member of Boards Impact Forum and other board networks. He chairs the Global Consortium for Systems Research (GCSR). He is the author of "5 Ideas from Global Diplomacy: System-wide Transformation Methods to Close the Compliance Gap and Advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals" (2024).
Gloria Bonder's picture
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Director of the Gender, Society and Policies Department, FLACSO Argentina. Coordinator of the UNESCO Regional Chair on Women, Science and Technology in Latin America.
Stephanie Ross's picture
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Stephanie Ross is Director and Associate Professor in the School of Labour Studies at McMaster University.
Sonal Mobar Roy's picture
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Sonal Mobar Roy is an Assistant Professor at the Center for Wage Employment and Livelihoods at the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad, India. Prior to joining NIRDPR, she worked at Centre for Exact Humanities, IIIT Hyderabad as a Research Scientist. Dr. Roy did her master’s in Social Anthropology from Lucknow University (2005) and doctorate in Sociology from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (2012), one of the premier institutes in India. Her doctoral study focused on stigma related to TB and HIV in Ladakh region of India, and the fieldwork was sponsored by Parkes Foundation, UK. Her research interests include Sociology of Health and Education, Culture and Tribal Studies, Rural Development and ICT, and Ethnography. She is a member of international editorial boards and has been involved in teaching, training and research at her institute. She has national and international publications to her name and strives to bridge the gap between theory and practice through her writings and research. She has presented paper at universities of repute such as Oxford University, Imperial College London and University of Berkeley, California.
Max Koch's picture
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Max Koch is a sociologist and professor of social policy at Lund University, Sweden. His research addresses the environmental and social implications of capitalist development, sustainable welfare and degrowth.
Vera Lúcia De Miranda Guarda's picture
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Professora da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - Farmacêutica com doutorado em Ciências Farmacêuticas e Especialista em Empreendedorismo e Inovação. Experiência em controle de qualidade de águas e monitoramento hídrico participativo. Meu CV - Endereço para acessar este CV:
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Dr Suresh is a Research Scholar at IIT Tirupati, India, working on Financial Inclusion, and its impact on Development outcomes.
Lisandra Flach's picture
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Professor of Economics at LMU Munich. Director of the ifo Center for International Economics. Lisandra Flach is a Brazilian-German economist. She is currently director of the Center for International Economics at the ifo Institute Munich and Professor of Economics at the LMU Munich. She received her PhD from the University of Mannheim-Germany in 2012. Her main area of research is international economics. Lisandra Flach was a visiting researcher at Harvard University, Columbia University, and University of California San Diego. She is a member of CEPR and CESifo and associate editor of International Economics (Elsevier) and the Review of International Economics (Wiley). She constantly contributes to policy consultancy projects, for instance as a lead of projects for the OECD, the German Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) Düsseldorf, Upper Bavaria and Munich-Germany.
Bahia Shehab's picture
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Bahia Shehab is an artist and author based in Cairo. She is Professor of design and founder of the graphic design program at The American University in Cairo. Her work has been exhibited internationally and has received a number of international awards including the BBC’s 100 women’s list, a TED Senior Fellowship, a Prince Claus Award, and the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture. Her latest publications include You Can Crush the Flowers: A Visual Memoir of the Egyptian Revolution, At the Corner of a Dream, and the award winning co-authored book A History of Arab Graphic Design.
Gabriela Carmen Pascariu's picture
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Gabriela Carmen Pascariu is Full Professor in European Economics and Policies at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. She is Director of the Centre for European Studies, Jean Monnet professor and Team Europe expert having more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in the field. She published 30 books and book chapters as author, co-author or editor and over 60 papers, she presented over 150 conference papers at national and international scientific events, and she participated to 33 research programs or research/development grants, from which she acted as director or local coordinator for 16 projects. Her research interests focus on: economics of integration; regional development and European Cohesion Policy; core-periphery development pattern; resilience, tourism and regional development, EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood. Currently, Gabriela Carmen Pascariu is expert evaluator for: European Commission - EIC Accelerator: SME Instrument; Fund for Scientific Research–FNRS, Belgium; Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and reviewers for various journals, including journals indexed in WoS, such as: JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies (Q1), Journal of Contemporary European Studies (Q2), Development and Change (Q2), Regional Studies (Q1), Journal of European Integration (Q3), others. She is also member in various professional associations (Regional Studies Association, Romanian Regional Science Association, Regional Science Association International, and North -East Regional Agency’s Council for Smart Specialization), member of the Regional Innovation Consortium 2014-2020 - North East Development Agency, and expert in the Regional Committee for drawing up the North-East Regional Development Plan 2014-2020 - Agency for North-East Regional Development. She is also Editor in Chief of the Eastern Journal of European Studies: Eastern Journal of European Studies (indexed in SCOPUS, ESCI-WoS, ProQuest), regional editor for Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP), a Regional Science Association International journal (Regional Science Policy & Practice (, (indexed in SCOPUS, ESCI-WoS), and member of the editorial board of other several publications in European Studies and Regional Development (CSIE Working Papers, Romanian Journal of Regional Science; Romanian Economic Journal; Ecoforum; Eurolimes Journal, CES Working Papers, The Romanian Journal of International Relations and European Studies, Studies and Scientific Researches. Economics Edition, Romanian Journal of European Affairs (RJEA).

