Expert and fellow directory


Stacy-Ann Elvy's picture
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Stacy-Ann Elvy is a Professor of Law and Martin Luther King, Jr. Hall Research Scholar at the University of California, Davis School of Law. Her research focuses on “the commercial law of privacy” and its relationship to emerging technology, and human rights law.
Judit Sandor's picture
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Judit Sándor is a full professor at the Faculty of Political Science, Legal Studies and Gender Studies of the Central European University (CEU-PU), in Budapest and in Vienna. She had a bar exam in Hungary she conducted legal practice at Simmons & Simmons in London, had fellowships at McGill (Montreal), at Stanford (Palo Alto), and at Maison de sciences de l’homme (Paris). In 1996 she received her Ph.D. in law and political science. She was a Global Research Fellow at NYU in New York. In 2004-2005 she was the head of the Bioethics Section at the UNESCO. She published eleven books in the field of human rights and biomedical law. Since September 2005 she is a founding director of the Center for Ethics and Law in Biomedicine (CELAB). She has completed many European research projects in the field of biobanks, genetic data, stem cell research, organ transplantation and human reproduction. In October 2019 she received an ERC Synergy Grant.
Catherine Cerulli's picture
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Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) and the Director of the Laboratory of Interpersonal Violence and Victimization, she has promoted research in diverse criminal justice, community, and health settings, and in 2016 cofound an innovative medical-law program that integrates health, legal, and advocacy services for victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). Dr. Cerulli also directs the UR Susan B. Anthony Center, which focuses on translating science regarding social determinants of health into practice.
Wendy Gunn's picture
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I am Associate Professor of Collaborative Design in Design Engineering, Design for Sustainability Research Group, Aalborg University in Copenhagen. Integral to my role at Aalborg University is to building a research consortium in sustainable health care leveraging my international network. Collaborative design in design engineering in health care requires responses which are innovative in conception, sustainable in implementation and ongoing use, and conducive to well-being in their affects. We focus on sustainable design engineering in the digitalization of healthcare products, services, and systems. Sustainability here considers social, environmental, financial dimensions of sustainability in healthcare across different knowledges. This requires: • a diversity of multidisciplinary teams working on interdisciplinary research projects focusing on collaborative design in design engineering related to sustainability in health care. • local, national, and international research projects engaging patients, healthcare professionals and staff, NGOs, hospital and company partners in co-design and co-creation sustainable design engineering processes and practices. • application of research findings within the designing of product, service, and system, from conceptualization through to implementation. Our research strategy: To challenge boundaries between disciplines, specialisms, sectors, and distributed health care facilities towards designing for sustainable health care futures. Current themes being explored with our collaborative partners: • Social sustainability of digitalization in healthcare focusing on relations between patients, healthcare professionals and staff. • Integration of ´patient pathways, cohesion and LCA methods into co-designing medical products, services, and systems. • Healthcare market transformation related to essential use and reuse of medical devices. • Involvement of sustainable design engineering processes in improving access and inequalities in distributed health care. • Implementation of sustainable design engineering research in addressing sustainable health care challenges. • Sustainable transitions in design of healthcare products, services, and systems. • Health innovation ecosystems.
David Budtz Pedersen's picture
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David Budtz Pedersen is Professor of Science Communication and Science Advice, and Director of the Humanomics Research Centre at Aalborg University Copenhagen. His work revolves around the impact, communication and governance of science and technology. He frequently acts as speaker and adviser to international governments and funding agencies. He has about 150 entries on his list of publications ranging from research papers, research monographs, edited volumes, policy reports, op-ed columns and essays. Prof. Pedersen has a wide-ranging record as science adviser. He entered the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science in 2005, working in science policy until 2012. More recently, David was appointed member of the Danish Government Science Policy Commission. In 2019 he became Chair of the EU COST CCA Expert Group on Science Communication. David Budtz Pedersen acts as Science Adviser for Algorithms, Data and Democracy (ADD) funded by the Villum & Velux Foundations (2021-2030).
Senthil Kumar A V's picture
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Prof. A.V.Senthil Kumar to his credit he has industrial experience for five years as System Analyst in a Garment Export Company. Later he took up teaching and attached to CMS College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore and now he is working as a Director & Professor in the Department of Research and PG in Computer Applications, Hindusthan College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore since 05/03/2010. He has to his credit 11 Book Chapters, 250 papers in International Journals, 15 papers in National Journals, 25 papers in International Conferences, 5 papers in National Conferences, and edited 8 books (IGI Global, USA). He is an Editor-in-Chief for International Journal titled “International Journal of Data Mining and Emerging Technologies”, “International Journal of Image Processing and Applications”, “International Journal of Advances in Knowledge Engineering & Computer Science”, “ International Journal of Advances in Computers and Information Engineering” and “International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science”.. Key Member for India, Machine Intelligence Research Lab (MIR Labs). He is an Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for various International Journals. He is also a Committee member for various International Conferences. He is a Life member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Systems Society of India (SSI), member of The Indian Science Congress Association, member of Internet Society (ISOC), International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT), Indian Association for Research in Computing Science (IARCS), and committee member for various International Conferences. He has got many awards from National and International Societies. Also a freelance writer for Tamil Computer (a fortnightly).
Doug Elmendorf's picture
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Dean of Faculty of the Harvard Kennedy School, and Don K. Price Professor of Public Policy since 2016.
Harun NASIR's picture
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I am an Assistant Professor in Economics at the Department of Economics at Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University (BEU) in Turkey. My research interests include open economy macroeconomics, monetary theory and policy and international trade theory. I completed my Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Reading and hold an MSc(Econ) from the University of Warwick. Currently, I am teaching 'Macroeconomic Theory and Policy' &'International Finance'. I was a 'Post Graduate Teaching Assistant' at the Department of Economics of University College London (UCL) and a 'Sessional Teaching Assistant in Finance' at the ICMA Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading between 2016 and 2018, and 'Part-time Sessional Lecturer' at the Department of Economics of the University of Reading between 2013 and 2017.
Mustafa Ozmusul's picture
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Having Ph.D. degree in Educational Management, Supervision, Planning, and Economics from Hacettepe University in Ankara, I am Associate Professor in the field of Educational Management in Turkey. Conducting two European Union school projects I observed various school systems in the European Countries, and received eTwinning Label award. During the years 2003-2013 I was school teacher, participated in various professional development activities mainly on improving the school education, project development, creativity, and socio-psychological issues in Turkey and EU countries. I am also member of scientific advisory committees of several international conferences, and editorial board member of two international refereed journals. Along with the author of a Turkish book written on theoretical issues on school management, and the many articles published in both international and national journals, I am mainly interested in the research areas of strategic planning, international school leadership, ethics in education, school policies and implementations, international dimension and indicators in education
Milena Buchs's picture
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I am Professor of Sustainable Welfare at the Sustainability Research Institute, University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Combining theories and methods from ecological economics, social policy and sociology, my research focuses on sustainable welfare and just transitions. I am using both qualitative and quantitative methods in my research.

